BC Forest Fires
UPDATE: The Wood Lake wildfire, burning 20 kilometres north of the community of Harrison Hot Springs, is estimated to be 45 hectares in size today. With that being said, heavy smoke in the area is hampering personnel from seeing all of the fire’s perimeter, so it is expected that the fire may be larger than 45 hectares. Firefighters, four helicopters and two pieces of heavy equipment are working the fire today. The footage of the fire seen below was taken yesterday afternoon.
Posted by BC Forest Fire Info on Monday, 3 August 2015
RAW: Kelowna forest fires continue to burn
Original Published on 21 Jul 2015
Fire crews scramble to contain blaze. To read more:

The BC Wildfire Service is currently responding with crews and air support to two new wildfires in the Kamloops Fire...
Posted by BC Forest Fire Info on Thursday, 13 August 2015

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