Electromagnetic Fields: A Scientific Overview
By the late
Dr. Theodore (Ted) Litovitz,
(1923 - 2006)
Physicist and EMR Researcher,
Catholic University of America

(24:25 min.)
June 28, 2011
Electromagnetic Fields featuring Dr. Ted Litovitz. This presentation was given to Congressional members about 10 years ago by The Council on Wireless Technology Impacts. Edited by Ed Ellsworth. DVD available from Enlightened Films.
to the mechanism missing linking the frequencies to adverse health
effects, heat effect was the only precaution employed. That is
ridiculous science, look at this video taken 10 years ago with an
amazing scientist showing adverse health effects at levels 75,000
times lower than allowable. 10 years later we are trying to blanket the
planet with cellphone, Wi-Fi and Smart Meter frequencies.
electrical or wireless devices need to be compatible with frequencies
(EMFs) they are designed for, or they won't work, and humans, bees,
pollinators or environment are unprotected, intricate, wireless
~ Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett
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