Jerry Flynn,
Canadian Armed Forces Captain (Retired)

Career was specific to RF EMFs used in warfare
Jerry Flynn
Exclusive Quotation

I was proud of Jerry for stepping up. Jerry Flynn is reporting on the real dangers of the EMFs; he is reporting in his very qualified capacity. I am qualifying the science.

~ Curtis Bennett
June 28, 2024


Curtis Bennett's Comments on Jerry Flynn's Antenna Reach Work

October 05, 2017


Letter From Jerry Flynn on
Rogue Scientists Lying to
Health Minister,
The Honourable Jane Philpott, PC, MP

January 22, 2017
Wireless Technology Worst Threat to Health
Wireless Technology: The Worst Threat to our Health, Personal Privacy, Democracy and National Security in Canada’s Entire History

Wireless Technology:
The Worst Threat to our Health, Personal Privacy, Democracy and National Security in Canada’s Entire History

February 25, 2013


Retired Army Captain Presents Compelling Argument Against Smart Meters – And Most Wireless Devices

October 31, 2012

Jerry Flynn - Trained by the Military in Radio Warfare

September 4, 2012

National Security Threat Letter From
Jerry Flynn, Canadian Military Officer (Retired) on Wireless to
Right Honourable Stephen Harper

July 15, 2012

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