Blake Levitt


[Excerpt] B. Blake Levitt is an award-winning journalist who has specialized in medical and science writing for three decades. She has researched the biological effects of nonionizing radiation since the late 1970's. A former New York Times freelance contributor, she has written widely on medical issues for both the lay and professional audience. Her work has appeared in numerous national publications and has been translated into Russian and Chinese.

Cell Phone Tower Radiation Pollution • Part 1

by B. Blake Levitt

Original Uploaded on 31 Jul 2009, Published by
• From a 2007 U.S. Congressional Staff Briefing
• (Fragments)
• by B. Blake Levitt
• A U.S. Regulatory Health Issue and What To Do About It


Electrosmog – What Price Convenience?

From: Donna Descoteaux
Series: Living Well
Show Length: 28:32

Ms. Levitt informs us about the reality of the Electrosmog we ALL live in today and the harmful health hazards this causes. Some new evidence points to bee 'colony collapse' as one of those biological effects. She states in her article:

The public debates over tobacco, x-rays, and asbestos took over 100 years to officially settle public health issues. Today, we are witnessing the same debate over “electrosmog” — an ever increasing, ubiquitous, invisible form of pollution generated by all-things-wireless and other technologies utilizing non-ionizing radiation.

Though many of the applied technologies are new, the debate is not. Back in 1971, the Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council to the White House warned that non-ionizing radiation was permeating our environment, that its growth since 1940 had been“ phenomenal,” and that there was concern for biological effects, even at low power levels.

The biological effects referred to have now been researched and the information is quite alarming. We now know there are effects on the cardiovascular system, the immune system and brain function to name only a few. This electrosmog is growing stronger by the day as more and more towers and devices come on line. This has been referred to as the greatest biological experiment ever perpetrated on humans and animals alike. Ms. Levitt tells us where the science is currently and what research is still desperately needed.

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