Dr. Hildy® and Curtis Bennett:
EMF, WiFi, Smart Grid, Cell Phones and Cell Towers
November 20, 2013
by Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett

December 5, 2013
This interview was done objectively. Questions were not provided ahead of
time, we were electrically qualifying causation that people are hit by the RF EMFs. When it comes to RF EMFs interacting with humans, Health
Canada and the FCC adopted the Specific Absorption Rate as the test for limiting human exposure. When you look at the test, you will see the SAR
test isn’t applicable science and utilities will have people absorbing these frequencies 24/7. YOU CAN’T DO THAT.
The Specific Absorption Rate test adopted by the FCC, Health Canada and others isn’t applicable science.
Here is a mix of information on Dr. Hildy’s Bio:
Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D., RIET-1
Industrial Toxicologist/IH and
Doctor of Integrative Medicine
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, author of the international environmental bestseller the Comprehensive Handbook of Hazardous Material: Regulations, Monitoring, Handling & Safety, H. Sacarello, Lewis Publishing/ CRC Press, is among the leading international scientists in the field of industrial toxicology.
She pioneered the use of biological monitoring tests for targeting organ exposure to parent compounds, metabolites and their xenobiotics. Her research has opened the door of proteinomics, enzynomics and genomics as recognized by John Hopkins Univeristy/Pandey Lab and Harvard University Medical College small molecule genome project. Former president of the Florida Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, she was president and founder of the International Academy of Toxicological Risk Assessment (IATRA) which celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2005.
She was the first Industrial Environmental Toxicologist Registered by the National Registry of Environmental Professionals. Dr. Staninger is a Certified Safety Executive by World Safety Organization and Inspector General for the International Environmental Intelligence Agency (IEIA) a division of World Life Research Institute. Her former academic appointments include Research Coordinator and Assistant Professor for the Research Department at the former Capital University of Integrative Medicine, Washington, D.C. Present research activities include applications of far infrared and oak wood charcoal vinegar in maintaining cellular integrity and cellular detoxification via lymphatic and molecular endocrine systems. She presented ground-breaking information in October, 2006, at the annual conference of the National Registry of Environmental Professionals, ( http://www.nrep.org/ ) in papers regarding FarInfrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases and Protecting Yourself From Electromagnetic Fields In The Home, Workplace and Environment. During Fall 2006 (Phase I) and Spring 2007 (Phase II) she conducted a privately funded project to identify the composition of Morgellons’ fibers. This original research revealed the environmental impacts upon man, environment and other life forms from exposure to nanotechnology. (Morgellons Specials Nos. 5, 6 and 7 – Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Guest http://www.rense.com/Datapages/morgRSPEC.htm ) Her presentation, MORGELLONS: Nano-911 A Foreign Invader will be released at the September 2007 Annual Conference of NREP (above). In addition to decades of research involving the signature harmonic reflectivity of cellular resonance for increasing cellular integrity, she has focused on addressing the appropriate countermeasures for cell dysfunction, injury and death through cellular tera hertz phono photons- “cellular cosmic star bursts.” Dr. Staninger is recipient of two Presidential Awards from Mr. Walter Lowry, Martin Marietta Orlando Aerospace President , for her work involving “Pregnant Women in the Workplace” and the “Increased Risk of Genetic Mutations in Contaminated Ground Water.” She received the prestigious 7th U.S. Army and Greater Stuttgart Community Award for her work during Operation Desert Shield in preventing increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from the Kuwaiti burning oil fields during Desert Storm. Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1 Industrial Toxicologist/IH, Doctor of Integrative Medicine Integrative Health Systems, LLC 415 3/4th N. Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004 Tel: 323-466-2599 Fax: 323-466-2774 dr.hildy@yahoo.comhttp://www.staningerreport.com 9.07 Toxicology (from the Greek words toxicos and logos) is the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.[1] It is the study of symptoms, mechanisms, treatments and detection of poisoning, especially the poisoning of people.
This interview is important to hear because of how it relates to each and every person. These RF EMFs were deployed without the science considerations across the board. Electromagnetically inducing everything in the utility’s coverage area is dangerous and changes science for municipalities across the board. Engineers are insured for errors or omissions, they weren’t told their designs were being hit by invasive frequencies that affect building code compliance. These frequency intrusion will affect education across the board as well. Sciences and the scope of all we know will change. These frequencies over large areas are expanding and collapsing billions of times per second. Damage is measurable by the second and there is no margin of error, it is an electrical and engineering reality now.
Editor's Note: The audio show is 120 minutes. Wait for the long musical introduction before the show starts at 3:10. Please go to the source to listen.

Dr. Hildy® & Curtis Bennett: EMF, WiFi, Smart Grid, Cell Phones & Towers "YOU CAN’T DO THAT" http://t.co/JKVYA3h8oF pic.twitter.com/ViFV9gB7ta
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) September 27, 2015

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