Continuing Medical Education
Electromagnetic Fields(EMFs)
Including Wireless EMFs Can Be Extremely Dangerous

Integrative Health Forum
Editor's Note: The IHF has ceased to exist.

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Revised Letter From IHF Health Education Admin, July 15, 2019

Revised Letter From IHF Health Education Admin, July 15, 2019, page 1
Revised Letter From IHF Health Education Admin, July 15, 2019, page 2

Introducing: Energy Medicine 2019-2020 Faculty

Introducing: Energy Medicine 2019-2020 Faculty
Sharon Weinstein and her team administer these programs and it is a very serious process. This is medical professionals going to school to get ongoing education credits required for ongoing medical licensing.

There are health professionals globally that have been blindsided by the blanket electromagnetic radiation and not knowing that medical diagnosis has changed. This is the ONLY medical education in the world lecturing the causal evidence, biological plausibility and so much more. It is the only medical education program globally lecturing and doing practicums allowing professionals to see inflammation where otherwise they are blind.

It is critically important people take this letter to your health professionals. They can contact Sharon about the accreditation and you can have these programs in your area if they meet the criteria Sharon requires.

Inflammation can be seen as can progression of infection. In the last medical education program, Professor Dr. Lynch and Professor Curtis Bennett taught a practicum of the imaging.

Inflammation Can Be Seen:  
Progression of Infection in 24 Hours With Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Progression of Infection in 24 Hours With Brown Recluse Spider Bite
[Source] Sharon Weinstein: March 31, 21019 at 20:22 Eastern Time · 'Thanks, Professor Bennett, for increasing awareness.'
2019 02 10 Curtis Bennett comment
[Excerpt] 'Continuing Medical Education is the highest standard for advancing medical education. The Integrative Health Forum and Associates put on the most advanced medical education in the world giving sight of temperature where otherwise we are blind. The education administrator for the medical education provided a letter about the program and accreditation. This letter should be printed and shared with medical professionals for patients dealing with concerns of EMF or wireless exposure. You are not sensitive to the EMFs and you don’t have microwave sickness. The correct electrical language is electrocution as Safety Code 6 admits electrical currents are being induced by wireless EMF exposure. This is the only medical program globally that has lectured missing causal and biological evidence linking EMFs to adverse health effects. Thermography Lectured For Continuing Education Credits
[Excerpt] 'All electromagnetic fields(EMFs) are different and there are real reasons to be careful around EMFs.  Our electrical grids globally are considered to be extremely low frequencies(50 or 60 Hz) but people can and have been killed if mistakes are made. An example is a cable or extension cord has more than one wire inside the cable so the EMFs actually cancel each other out where single power lines can be very dangerous. Linemen have been killed working on dead power lines running parallel to live power lines. The live line electromagnetically induced currents into the dead line.

The same sun that burns our skin is a solar EMF and it isn’t the same as wireless EMFs that are penetrating bodies, buildings, infrastructure, ecosystems. We protect from solar EMFs with clothing, glasses and hats. Building development can be protected by solar EMFs with shade or functional landscaping. Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields(RF EMF). Man made EMFs that penetrate have profound effects on anything the electromagnetic fields interact with.

Smart Meters are replacing your electrical, water and gas meters with wireless technologies so they can read them from remote locations. They also want to monitor your consumption.

The fact is the frequencies are illegal and not in compliance with exposure codes. That code refers to nerve and muscle stimulation which will impact the residents. Here are news updates, interviews and causation linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects as well as other unrealized damages.'

Professor Curtis Bennett: 'The dangers of wireless frequencies was lectured in medical education for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. The medical education is applicable to your health professionals in 50 states and Canada, perhaps in all of North America now.

This progressive medical education is not a commercial program; it is medical education and objective qualified science. The education program has been opened up to students, public, politicians, insurers, concerned citizens, etc. so long as they respect this is medical education and not a debate.

I am absolutely honoured to lecture in this amazing educational program with the other faculty members. Dr. Ronald Lynch, Dr. Peter Goldberg, International Health Educator Sharon M. Weinstein, nutritionists and more.

Being it is a medical program, we are not paid for our services. It is education and not advertising or sales.

Medical diagnosis has changed with this frequency bombardment from Wifi, Smart Meters, etc. Contact these health educators as programs can be had in your areas and they are expanding their information. They lead from the front and your local health professionals need to know for your own diagnosis. There are not just a few people sensitive to these frequencies; some are more vulnerable.

Here is their presently 'paused', Facebook group.

The Integrative Health Forum and Associates Facebook group

Remembering Anthony Bove, IHF Faculty Member

June 21, 1955 – June 17, 2012

Anthony Bove lecturing Energy Medicine
Anthony Bove lecturing Energy Medicine
Curtis Bennett-Anthony Bove


5 Country 5 Day Tour

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