Panel Discussion with Dr. Peter Goldberg, Sharon Weinstein and Curtis Bennett
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Agenda: 2014-01-23
Guests: Dr. Peter Goldberg, Sharon Weinstein and Curtis Bennett

Peter Goldberg
Sharon Weinstein
Curtis Bennett
If you have listened to our EMF Harm conferences the past few weeks, you heard from three content experts – those who have lived the challenge, helped others to overcome the damages, and who are pioneers for the future – yours and mine! Now, we bring Curtis Bennett, Dr. Peter Goldberg and Sharon Weinstein to the platform as we explore what we have learned, what we will do, and the impact that we can make!
"On behalf of all my guests, we must stress that the evidence we present today and in all our previous conferences, is based on pure science, with outcomes that are indisputable. The information we present is not a selfish endeavor. We are here to prevent the possibility of extinction, of dire consequences to unsuspecting people of a terrifying, immediate danger currently facing every person, and every flower and quite frankly our planet." ~ Sandy
Again, Dr. Peter Goldberg is an Energy Medicine practitioner and consultant in Sarasota, Florida, specializing in the treatment of Sports Injuries, chronic pain and EHS patients. Contact Dr. Goldberg’s office via email only at: – On Facebook, please see Dr. Peter Goldberg’s Energy Medicine Newsletter – and Dr. Goldberg’s website is:
Sharon M. Weinstein is founder of the Integrative Health Forum ( and the Global Education Development Institute ( Sharon earned her spot as the go-to professional for education, resources and training. From a core group of 12, she built the IHF into a global network of thousands. She is author of Plumer’s Principles and Practice of Infusion Therapy. Her email is:
Curtis Bennett, is a Chief Science Officer, Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician, an Engineering Technologist and Adjunct Faculty for IHF and GEDI. He has a 33 year advanced Thermography background and is a foremost authority on applying infrared technologies at the molecular level. His website is His email is
Recorded Call - Jan. 23, 2014 conference - Panel Discussion
- Curtis Bennett, Sharon Weinstein & Dr. Peter Goldberg
EMF evidence of harm presented & previous conferences, is based on pure science, with outcomes that are indisputable.
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) January 22, 2014
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