DECT Phone and Wireless Technology Knowledge

Compiled by George Parker
March 9, 2003
George Parker
George Parker
In 2003, more and more people were using the new DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) phone, which replaced the much safer Analogue cordless phone.  Users the early wireless technology weren’t aware of the dangers of “microwave non-ionised radiation (MWNIR) and the increased with the new DECT phone.  The early sufferers weren’t aware that the Analogue phone emitted dangerous MWNIR and the increase of idiopathic illnesses of ME, CFS, Yuppie Flu, and FMS after long-term and prolonged use.
cordless phone
Users weren’t aware that the DECT phone and the base station transmits continuously,  24/7 and 365 days a year, where the Analogue phone only transmitted when being used and once the call had ceased the transmitter automatically turned OFF.  The DECT phone transmits MWNIR continuously and is more powerful than your mobile phone and wireless laptop and can also be compared with a mobile phone tower transmitting in your own backyard.  DECT phones in the next-door neighbour’s apartment, resting against the adjoining walls between units as the main offender.  Also DECT phones can transmit over 100-200m.

Seeing the DECT phone and base station transmits continuously, the sleeping occupants of the home will be continuously immersed in MWNIR when their body should be healing as they sleep and not being bombarded all night with MWNIR. 

Users believe that MWNIR is harmless, when there is nothing within the “radiofrequency radiation (RFR)” spectrum that is harmless.  The old saying is: “too much of a harmless thing can turn into a serious thing.”

Health problems begin with long-term and prolonged exposure from RFR and “electric-magnetic fields (EFs/MFs)” of the “extremely low frequency (ELF)” that keeps the DECT phone’s battery charged.

Most people do notice a difference within 5 minutes after walking into a house where a DECT phone is being used.  Most common symptom of DECT phone exposure is tinnitus, ringing in the ear goes to a high and constant pitch, and never stops.  Most suffer from brain fog, get tired within a short length of time, and find it hard to concentrate.  This is most common within apartment blocks and retirement villages, and can lead to dementia and many other neurological and cardiovascular disorders.

Many believe if you remove the power adaptor of the DECT phone base station from the mains that it will stop transmitting---it won’t---as the battery in the base will still activate the transmitter, therefore, the battery needs to be removed as well.
Many concerned doctors, physicians and professors have spoken out that most of the “modern” idiopathic illnesses symptoms of ME, CFS, FMS, IBS, IEI, SBS, BMS, MCS are similar to each other and the same as medically recorded by Russian and US medical researchers (1950-80) as radiowave, microwave and electric illness what is referred to as “electro sensitivity (ES) and “electro hypersensitivity (EHS)”, which some refer to it as “RF/EMF Illness/Sickness” and “Mercury Poisoning” from amalgam fillings that are affected by MWNIR from DECT phones, mobile phones and towers, laptops and computers, routers and modems and other technologies.

There are many predators around offerings by holistic and new age treatments, gizmos and gimmicks that don’t work or help sufferers and place all into a false sense of security. The simple and wise means is to disconnected and remove the causation factor, such as, the DECT and mobile phone and all other wireless technology and symptoms will soon reduce and/or disappear!

Sadly, users don’t consider the ramifications and consequences of the DECT phone and other wireless technology in their home, because they have been blindly conned into a false belief through secrets, lies and misinformation by telecos claiming they are “user friendly” and “harmless”.

Only the user can decide if it's unhealthy or not, after all “harmless” doesn’t mean “SAFE” and it’s not affecting your health---only time will tell---as your bodily systems begin to breakdown, and cysts, tumours and skin cancers begin to appear, which most doctors will refer to as being “benign”.  The  liver, kidneys, pancreas, throat, chin, testicles and other organs will begin to breakdown.

The war of words, secrecy, deception and lies, and the many “silent illnesses” (idiopathic illnesses) begin to appear and the invisible threat will be ignored and covered up.  All the past Russian and US military medical research papers of 1950-80 will disappear or be ignored and the invisible threat will appear later on as cancer and other life-threatening disorders.

What will it be like in a decade or more, say, 15 years (2018)?

You can always revert back to an Analogue cordless phone, but it would be safer to use the non-wireless corded phone.

Decide wisely, all who read this article. 

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