Non-Ionizing Radiation:
Identical Health Effects to Radioactive Radiation

Smart meter danger: 'Cumulative long-term exposure'
By Dr. Ross Andersen, Doctor of Chiropractic, Kelowna

Washington State Department of Health on Wi-Fi in Schools
Curtis Bennett: "...Right now veterans that served their countries are asking about their grandchildren being mutated and requiring immediate surgeries. We can't put our children in a microwave but we send them to school where they are put in a man made microwave called a classroom bathed in 2.4 GHz EMFs. These EMFs [are] expanding and collapsing inside bodies, buildings and infrastructure 4.8 billion times per second. Can DNA, tissue, cells or molecules withstand violent oscillations 4.8 billion times per second? ..."

Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs
February 17, 2014

"This is the reality of electrocuting a mom, dad and fetus with electromagnetic radiation exposure where governments have determined 24/7 exposure of Wi-Fi frequencies and wireless smart meters is acceptable. All of that exposure [is] based on a plastic head with a gel or liquid in it. The Specific Absorption Rate only tested the end use device, they didn't include the wireless radiation required to complete the circuit. Industry reports there isn't one peer reviewed study showing harm. That is because the plastic head doesn't have health, biology, organs or frequencies." ~ Curtis Bennett

WiFi Health Effects Presentations to Portland Public Schools Board of Education
September 16, 2013
(4:23 min.) Merry Callaghan: "...the American trial lawyers now stand behind that wireless radiation health effects are equatable to the same disease and latency as that from nuclear radiation exposure..."
Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, and Merry Callahan, health advocate, presenting updated information on the health impacts of non-ionizing wireless radiation: "WiFi Health Effects Presentation to Portland Public Schools Board of Education".

Wireless Networks - Genetic Mutations
Barrie Trower
Uploaded on 14 Jun 2010:
Barrie Trower, retired British military expert on stealth weaponry and microwave radiation, outlines how wireless computer radiation can cause lasting genetic mutation in girls' ovaries.

The Radiation Poisoning of America
By Amy Worthington, Idaho Observer
7 October 2007
Nuclear bombs on a pole
Painful conditions endured by the families of Garcia and Jasso are identical to those suffered by Japanese victims of gamma wave radiation after nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Five decades of studies confirm that non-ionizing communications radiation in the RF/microwave spectrum has the same effect on human health as ionizing gamma wave radiation from nuclear reactions. Leading German radiation expert Dr. Heyo Eckel, an official of the German Medical Association, states, “The injuries that result from radioactive radiation are identical with the effects of electromagnetic radiation. The damages are so similar that they are hard to differentiate.”

Dr Neil Cherry (1946 - 2003)

fields and radiation damage DNA and enhance cell death rates and
therefore they are a Ubiquitous Universal Genotoxic Carcinogen that
enhances the rates of Cancer, Cardiac, Reproductive and Neurological
disease and mortality in human populations. Therefore there is no safe
threshold level. The only safe exposure level is zero, a position
confirmed by dose-response trends in epidemiological studies...."
~ Dr Neil Cherry

@CheriDiNovo Pls comment on evidence "Non-Ionizing Radiation: Identical Health Effects to Radioactive Radiation" ty D http://t.co/RIVtnzXJ5j
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 21, 2014
Wireless non-ionizing radiation can cause lasting genetic mutation - women's & girls' ovaries. http://t.co/8qrLGGk5W5 pic.twitter.com/u5Qo6nQbSl
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 8, 2014

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