Re: Cardiac Event Report

7 Replies by Emails from Curtis Bennett to;
Ken Mack, Sam, Dave, dcarpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, pilgrimpeace, me

March 11, 2020
On March 9th received my cardiac report which was done in January 2020.
January 11th at around 8:54 I sent a message through the heart monitor that I had chest discomfort.
The HF 59 b was collecting RF data at 102 Beulah Drive I was in 280 Beulah Drive not knowing what RF was being sent.
Checking the records yesterday this is what I wrote on the graph and you can see the medical report.
I was amazed that my heartbeat went to 149 beats per minute.
In sending the map you can locate the distance where I was monitoring and where I was sitting when the event occurred.
In sending that shorten version of the report, I felt the same chest pains; that's when the judge ordered the transmitter to be turned on.

11 Mar 2020, 11:53 Eastern Time
to Ken, Sam, Dave, dcarpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, pilgrimpeace, me
You have no idea of what you create when you send out emails to this collective group but it undermines you, family, objectives and you have stopped nothing when you have all the laws on your side today. That is why your lawyer said he needed the causal evidence, electrical mechanisms of interaction, mechanisms of action pertaining to all sciences. Non thermal effects are not understood because you have people not understand temperature for what it is.
I warned you about hiring Stetzer and Milham; you could have brought your state radiation professionals in on tax dollars. That cost you $50,000 for a report that was useless. Stetzer selling filters isn't addressing the problem even a little bit. Havas has always had an "interest" in electricity. She isn't qualified in ANY opinion but makes money as an expert of the plastic head science. Havas has undermined the world with her gross negligence when she was given the missing science and she was a no show for the only CME program with the causal evidence missing. That medical education was applicable to all health professionals in Canada and the US for ongoing medical licensing. Havas, CST, Sharon Noble, Hoffman, etc emailed their global networks telling them to ignore me. That denied the globe the accreditation that made the difference when Donna Bohannon interviewed me.
Everyone will account for what they did or did not do with wireless as deployed. It is a wireless electrical circuit and the reason utilities and PUCs have the jurisdiction and "qualified & credentialed" electrical professionals are the PUC & utilities recognized experts. That means EMF interaction requires an electrical interpretation first.
You sent this email to the Premier of Saskatchewan. If they knew that 100% of all buildings wouldn't be compliant with Building Code, they would be on this immediately. That means losing the entire tax base for the province and doesn't include the multi million dollar lawsuits EVERYONE has while industry has no insurance.
You need to get Havas and any experts she wants to follow the plastic head science and let's get in on live for the world to hear. Any questions and no professional should need questions up front. Havas doesn't understand or represent she undermined her entire university as well as the rest. ALL degrees and diplomas [are] no longer applicable.
I am a registered intervener in the FortisBC application to reverse smart meters which is a legal precedent. I have been provided the legal criteria by the BCUC. Those are the same corrupt proceedings that gave all health professionals including Carpenter and myself no weight of evidence as an expert. Here is a link and email that went to Joel Moskowitz and Berkeley University. Joel isn't qualified in any opinion and his negligence undermined Berkeley and California.
As an electrical professional and building engineering professional, I have installed Microsoft systems in universities. The room is specially designed to put out a fire if it happens. Frank Clegg is the former president of Microsoft Canada. He has an advisory board including Barb Payne, Havas, and whoever. EVERY attempt to get Clegg information and what he needed in court was blocked.
The EMFs trigger pacemakers and 3700 young people a year nerves are electrically short circuiting killing them dead. The perception of "sensitivity" to your electrocution is ridiculous and self serving for those selling that crap.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 41 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694

Wed, 11 Mar, 21:24 (4 days ago)
to Curtis, Ken, Sam, Dave, David, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Easy does it Curtis. Why would you be so hard on these good people? Dave Stetzer, Dr Sam Milham, Dr David Carpenter and Prof. Magda Havas have helped a lot people with their time when no one else would. Dave S. never claimed his filters would solve the underlying problem only that they would reduce the EI on the lines till the EI problem was solved. Dr Milham has done pioneering work to raise consciousness to the ills of electrification of society and dirty electricity and produced peer-reviewed studies that helped a lot of people; Dr Carpenter has used his impeccable credentials to oversee the the creation of the Bio-Initiative Report used by many around the world. He speaks for the electrosensitive and the public being in harms way and taken much flak from the establishment for doing so. Prof. Havas has tirelessly educated people on the danger of EMFs as well as produced peer-reviewed studies herself.
No they have not solved the complicated quagmire created by the Utilities, the FCC & the Telecoms, but neither have you and your expert team, and no one is holding anything against for not being successful like you are doing with them. Furthermore Dr. Carpenter has agreed to be an expert witness for me in my lawsuit if it goes trial (which it may very well with recent developments) with no charge while you wanted to charge me $10,000 which I could not afford. Thank God for all these people and you also Curtis as you have shined an important aspect of the problem no one else is addressing. That all being said lets work together and not attack each other which is self-defeating to the movement to make society safe for all biological life which you and everyone on this list hopes for.
peace to everybody, Steve Romine

Wed, 11 Mar, 22:08 (4 days ago)
to pilgrimpeace, Curtis, Ken, Sam, Stetzer, Carpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Woodward, Bathgate, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Right Steve.
Eric Windheim BA, EMRS, BBEC
Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant
Office: 916-395-7336
Sacramento Ca

Wed, 11 Mar, 22:51
to pilgrimpeace, Ken, Sam, Dave, David, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Your response reflects your ignorance on the issues and you need to quit talking about something you have no technical opinion in. You think 10,000 dollars to represent this legally is expensive? The 10 grand was contingent upon your leg work and would have represented your property, lawsuit, city, state, etc. Do you think we spent 15,000,000,000 to make 10 thousand? Does your ignorant ass understand the money it takes to bring this into accredited medical education. It took many years and my dollars.
Our immediate team of health and consulting professionals is 14,301; do you think making 50 cents is their objective? I don't want to hear your bullshit or interpretation of this team. The fact you use the language of sensitivity again reflects the ignorance of all or the lack of qualifications. Stetzer and Milham's report was useless garbage for 50,000 dollars. What our team offered you at 10,000 would have represented you in every jurisdiction in the state as well as medicine.
If you had told Sam the causal evidence was lectured for CME credits, he could have used that language to bring every doctor in the US and beyond into this. As is medical diagnosis has changed putting all of them in a position of liability. Carpenter states a percentage of the population is sensitive instead of the blanket radiation killing all. Dr. Carpenter was an expert for the FortisBC application and he was given NO weight of evidence as was every other expert. Good luck explaining the mechanisms of interaction or action; you will not qualify the multi million dollar lawsuit you have. Dr Havas isn't qualified in any electrical opinion and peer reviewed by who? Read what I wrote about it; I am not picking on people. In regards to the utilities, FCC and telecom comment? It is our team SPECIFICALLY that qualified the quagmire. There are reasons we have electrical credentials recognized across Canada for 100% of the electricity produced. Can you understand that makes us one of every utility's experts? Don't compare professional electricians to Havas' "interest" in electricity. In regards to the FCC and telecom, we have it covered 100%. The FCC can have any communication's mandate they want; it has to be wired and that isn't for debate. The EMFs make 100% of buildings non compliant with Building Code. The FCC can not supersede or bypass the municipal, state or federal jurisdictions with a plastic head. There are real reasons we wire the world. Single power lines are extremely dangerous and have killed linemen working on a dead line. The FCC can't change global academia to accommodate their wireless agenda. You can't heat the atmosphere with microwaves.
There are over 450 nuclear power plants globally; do you think causing nuclear failure within borders is ok? Why can't we all get along? When we are cleared to consult on technical problems the world missed or initiating one of the largest evacuations in Canadian history; it isn't by luck. I have a 41 year radiation consulting background specific to everything in existence, I am not the only electrical or engineering professional or medical professional in the world. Go to your doctor and ask them what CME credits are? They REQUIRE them for ongoing medical licensing. Havas was invited to submit a lecture and was a no show except to ask for my credentials. Ask Josh "sold out" to ask Dr. Mercola what CME credits are versus sensitive. There is no acceptable current to be induced into people(ZERO).
Ken has spent over 300,000 dollars to date when it shouldn't have happened. Everything I stated and links I posted stand and there are no disclaimers of any kind. Science professionals do not have personal opinions of any kind. The causal evidence in exposure guidelines internationally admitted missing the causal evidence and mechanisms. It is specifically this team that found the missing science, reported it through the 3 levels of government September 14, 2010. I provided expert testimony at the request of Canadian Parliament Standing Committee on Health October 26, 2010. It was then qualified for lecture for CME credits and the lecture was January 7 & 8, 2011. That accredited program was applicable to ALL health professionals in Canada and the United States. Havas could have used that with Health Ministers and everyone across the board. They didn't and the radiation has gone on for an extra 9 years. You have no idea of how badly this BS has screwed the world with your collective ignorance. I don't say that with malice; what is the technical or biological significance of a plastic head. The name SAR is an admission of harm. This letter and the accreditation is what Donna Bohannon asked to see before she interviewed me. Show this to your doctors and medical professionals; it changes the game for all.
FYI, I will be substantiating Carpenter's expertise in the BCUC's Reconsideration of FortisBC and BC Hydro's smart meters. Please don't email me any more crap with this, it isn't a debate; science professionals should be expanding on it in their capacity.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 41 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694

Thanks to all who have contributed to raising consciousness on this issue,
Steve Romine

Wed, 11 Mar, 23:35 (4 days ago)
to Curtis, Ken, Sam, Dave, David, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Curtis, I wasn't looking for a team of people, only an expert witness. Dr Carpenter, whom you have chastised, offered to be an expert witness, recognized by the State of New York, and asked for no money. I am sure you and your team are worth every penny but what good is it if I can't afford it. Now I didn't email you, you emailed me with all kinds of accusations about people I have a lot of respect for even though I don't always agree with everything single thing they say. The same goes for you. It's too bad that with all the knowledge you have acquired for some reason you don't know how to communicate without being abusive and insulting. That's where you lose your credibility, unfortunately. Please stop emailing me now till you learn how to communicate respectfully.

11 Mar 2020, 23:53 (4 days ago)
to pilgrimpeace, Eric, Ken, Sam, Stetzer, Carpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Woodward, Bathgate, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Joel was given 100% of the causal evidence at the highest accredited level. He did 100% of nothing which undermined Berkeley as well as California and the world. It was provided at no cost and Joel could have gone to different departments at Berkeley for clarification. No response to date. You aren't getting this, EVERYONE will be accounting for what they did or did not do. Joel has a PHd and isn't electrically qualified in any opinion. I am accountable for what I wrote and he could have a lawsuit if I was slandering him, I am not. What consciousness are you raising? You undermined your home, family, community and state with your misinformation. Electricians aren't sensitive when they get electrocuted, neither are you.
Quit whining. If the smart meter antenna is 900 MHz, those EMFs are oscillating(polarizing 180 deg) 1.8 billion times per measurable second 86,400 times in 24 hours. Flip a baby end for end that may times and they come apart. The revision of Safety Code 6(2009) to Safety Code 6(2015) allows for 24/7 exposure for babies, children and pregnant women. Health Canada retained the Royal Society of Canada for the code revision. Here is my 10 minute video evidence for that code revision for the Royal Society. Health Canada and the RSC deleted this evidence from the code revision. Ex PM Harper was the Prime Minister that administered this and he will account for his treason. The Auditor General of Canada isn't laughing and they audit the federal government.
Curtis Bennett Safety Code 6 Presentation to the Royal Society of Canada
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 41 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694

Thu, 12 Mar, 00:05 (3 days ago)
to Curtis, Eric, Ken, Sam, Stetzer, Carpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Woodward, Bathgate, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Curtis, What is your success in lawsuits or having wireless removed anywhere?

Thu, 12 Mar, 00:07 (3 days ago)
to pilgrimpeace, Ken, Sam, Dave, David, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
I am not emailing you; you emailed me. This is killing people and you can tie the flu to it. Where do I lose credibility? Is that from someone not qualified. I am a first response consultant at operation levels for 41 years and double darn; we don't mean to insult industries showing them electrical, mechanical, chemical and other failures before they explode. We had to substantiate what we do for fire departments which includes tracking thermal gradients through the smoke. We didn't mean to embarrass Premier Campbell when we initiated the evacuation of 15,000 August 21, 2003 and another 15,000 August 22 when a forest fire interfaced with Kelowna BC.
I haven't chastised Carpenter; he isn't electrically qualified in an opinion. I had Professor Goldberg read the entire Bio-Initiative. He stated we were electrically qualifying the reporting globally. Professionals have a duty to do their jobs; this is mine.
We are trained professionals so stfu with your fragility and quit emailing me. People are dying and you feel abused? Grow up; electricity and engineering isn't a debate nor is it meant to offend. I don't email accusations; once again it is all science. I warn you in my capacity; that is my job. You will do whatever you will do.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 41 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694

Thu, 12 Mar, 00:34 (4 days ago)
to pilgrimpeace, Eric, Ken, Sam, Stetzer, Carpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Woodward, Bathgate, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
Are you listening at all? BC, Canada will be the first. I was a registered intervener in the FortisBC application to the British Columbia Utilities Commission. They are the same as any provincial or state PUC The utilities apply through the PUCs for smart meters, gas meters, etc. David Carpenter was an expert for the CST in that application. There were lots of interveners complaining about smart meters. I was there to hear the science or pin their experts down on the missing causal evidence. I knew the process was dirty because BC Hydro used the Clean Energy Act to bypass the application process when it wasn't applicable.
I cross examined FortisBC experts under oath for 3.5 hours in utility court(provincial or state jurisdictions). Outrageous what they admitted to and due to those errors in the proceedings I have been provided the legal avenue to reverse BC smart meters. It is called a Reconsideration and I have to prove they made an error. Once again the plastic head isn't science and can not be used to bypass any jurisdictions or Building Codes. That Reconsideration will be filed this week after we finish with the coronavirus document. I am not saying this as an agenda; our jobs as electrical professionals is always to report in that qualified capacity and the reason we warned them. That includes the FCC, the plastic head is indefensible. I am not posting this to offend you or anyone, I would never be a professor if I was less than professional. We will still be working for all and have never stopped. It will get done.

Thu, 12 Mar, 10:44 (4 days ago)
to Curtis, pilgrimpeace, Ken, Sam, David, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
First of all I have no idea who you are, so I am wondering how you would know how much I have charged any clients. But what I have deducted so far is that you are an absolute liar about any $50,000.00 report either Sam Milham or I have ever done. What is your motive in making such inflammatory and false statements?
Not that it is any of your business, but the amount charged by Sam and I was far less than you are stating. If you're going to make such claims it is incumbent upon you to produce proof to support your allegations. Do you have copies of invoices Sam and I sent to Ken Mack? Do you have copies of Ken's cancelled checks he paid us with?
Further, it is only your opinion that our report was worthless. Ken Mack never complained about our report, nor did his attorneys, and neither of them ever mentioned your name to us.
You seem to bad-mouth Professors Magda Havas and Sam Milham, who both received their respective degrees from accredited universities and then proceeded to have well-respected careers of world renown. I would like to know more about your credentials. What colleges and universities did you get your degree(s) from that qualifies you to demean the work done by these professionals? And, even if you do have some special set of qualifications that makes you superior to such a wide assortment of learned professionals, I didn't see any facts or evidence cited in your emails to offer any proof that what any of these people have said is incorrect.
You say you are a professor. What accredited college or university are you a professor at, and what do you teach? I'm just asking so I can be sure my grand kids never attend that school.
I'm not a medical doctor and can not offer medical advice, but after reading your false and unhinged rants about me and other very respected professionals on this email list, I think you need to seek an expert in mental health.
Dave Stetzer

Thu, 12 Mar, 12:01 (4 days ago)
to Eric, pilgrimpeace, Ken, Sam, Stetzer, Carpenter, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Woodward, Bathgate, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
There is Eric without a science qualification of any kind sticking up for another with no applicable background. You, like them, will be liable for the garbage you are selling. I dealt with a Building Biologist on the Building Code rules across countries; they don't do that Building Code was their reply. You are putting yourself in positions of liability when you have a code rule recognized by government jurisdictions. It will be state wide or national. The code rule across Canada is
You can't vibrate a building, structure or infrastructure billions of times per measurable second.
You sold out the entire state with your misrepresentations. Banks, lenders, realtors, buyers, insurers, levels of government want Building Code compliance or they won't get involved. That means they want a building inspection, not a Building Biologist. You have a Bachelor of Arts?(not applicable)
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 41 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694

12 Mar 2020, 17:23 Eastern Time
to Dave, pilgrimpeace, Ken, Sam, David, Donna, Magda, Virginia, Warren, Bathgate, Eric, Brenda, Garry, Premier, me
This is my last post related to this topic. What you or others do or have done will bring liability you like me would own. People have to excuse me if my language is abrupt or to the point. None of this is to insult anyone and once again I am liable. I am only reporting in a very qualified capacity
I am not blind siding Havas or Joel in those posts. Havas was invited to submit a lecture for an accredited medical education program that would have changed her resume. It would have allowed her to stop smart meters across Canada and have all the technical support she needed free of charge. That could have rolled over into the US as the accredited medical program was applicable to all health professionals in Canada as well as the U.S. Health education admin asked me to refer a professional to lecture on the EMFs and I recommended Havas. Havas contacted health education admin asking for my credentials and I told them to give them to her. We NEVER heard from Havas again. Joel Moskowitz was given the medical accreditation and all sciences so he could ask questions, challenge it and take it to Berkeley. He didn't respond in any capacity but kept sending out documents that undermined Berkeley and California. I can not undermine the state and Berkeley. Joel is a professional, accountable and the medical director. The causal evidence missing linking the EMFs to adverse health effects was qualified before lectured for CME credits applicable to the entire US. It isn't for debate. I can not turn a blind eye to Joel not doing his job.
This is my response to Stetzer and I will post his paragraph in bold and my response in a blue font.
"First of all I have no idea who you are, so I am wondering how you would know how much I have charged any clients. But what I have deducted so far is that you are an absolute liar about any $50,000.00 report either Sam Milham or I have ever done. What is your motive in making such inflammatory and false statements?" I have no idea what you sell or charge your clients, Ken sent the report to me to look at. He is the one that paid for your report giving me figures. I read the report given me and it was useless; what did it achieve?
"Not that it is any of your business, but the amount charged by Sam and I was far less than you are stating. If you're going to make such claims it is incumbent upon you to produce proof to support your allegations. Do you have copies of invoices Sam and I sent to Ken Mack? Do you have copies of Ken's cancelled checks he paid us with?" I do not have copies of invoices or cancelled checks nor would I ask for them, it is none of my business. Any reporting by you and Sam Milham was useless. Any charge or expense for a useless report should have been zero, you were way over your head. Dr Milham should have represented the accreditation applicable to all health professionals in the state. None of you told or informed Dr. Milham. It would have immediately brought them on board. You could have brought the municipal or regional authority having jurisdiction into this on tax dollars, not Ken's. You could have brought the state government into this on their dollars, not Ken's.
"Further, it is only your opinion that our report was worthless. Ken Mack never complained about our report, nor did his attorneys, and neither of them ever mentioned your name to us. Why would Ken complain about your report? You are the "experts" he retained and paid for the report. Why would the attorney's complain; you are supposed to be an expert? The attorneys did mention me by name to Ken, they needed the causal evidence and asked Ken if they should qualify me as an expert. Ken didn't pull the trigger then, he was relying on your expertise in the matter. It shouldn't electrically overwhelm you that we do not allow ANY current to be induced into people. Current kills and it is basic electricity. The frequency interactions shouldn't have overwhelmed you electrically. When you mix frequencies, you get resultant frequencies that are not compatible. Single power lines are VERY dangerous and the reason we wire the world. EMFs cancel each other out when in a cable or more than one conductor. Wireless EMFs would be the same as single power lines except the range is miles. We had a lineman killed working on a dead power line a reported 7 stories from the live parallel line. The electrical load was big enough; it induced the dead line killing him instantly.
"You seem to bad-mouth Professors Magda Havas and Sam Milham, who both received their respective degrees from accredited universities and then proceeded to have well-respected careers of world renown. I would like to know more about your credentials. What colleges and universities did you get your degree(s) from that qualifies you to demean the work done by these professionals? And, even if you do have some special set of qualifications that makes you superior to such a wide assortment of learned professionals, I didn't see any facts or evidence cited in your emails to offer any proof that what any of these people have said is incorrect." I seem to badmouth Havas and her being world renowned? Are you an electrician? Havas has absolutely no electrical background or applicable credential. Her website states she has an "interest". Is that a credential to you? Havas is a science professional and has done some great work, she should know better than to exceed her expertise. An unqualified "expert" representing people's sensitivity to their electrocution. Give your head a shake, you should have corrected her. I am not insulting Dr. Milham, your collective incompetence denied him the language he needed which is the accreditation. Dr. Milham could have brought in all health professionals in the state and US to assist Ken.
"I would like to know more about your credentials. What colleges and universities did you get your degree(s) from that qualifies you to demean the work done by these professionals?" Did you read the credentials after my name? As an Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal) my electrical credential applies across Canada for 100% of the electricity used. I have 2 pieces of government ID in my wallet, one is provincial and the other is from the Government of Canada. These governments and Industry Canada trained and certified one profession for the usage of all electricity, that profession is electricians. Electrical Engineers as an example do not wear tools and do that work, it is electricians that do that. Not all electrical work is the same and the reason they tell apprentices to move around. I didn't do residential wiring, I did limited commercial but specialized in heavy industrial, oilfield, gas, chemical, underground, offshore construction including troubleshooting, maintaining and consulting in all applications. As you know, we were required to go to school each year of our apprenticeship and had to meet or exceed requirements.
I am a Building Construction Engineering Technologist which is ALL aspects of construction from contracts to completion. I did 3 years at a technical institute in Alberta, fellow grads worked construction management, project management, professional estimating, building inspection, fire inspection, energy use, consumption, emissions, etc.
My medical credential as a professor is applicable to all health professionals in the United States and Canada. That makes it applicable to every college or university in both countries. Health professionals requiring ongoing education credits for licensing travel to where the accredited programs are taught. It took 6 years of unprecedented work and performance to be invited to submit a lecture for CME credits.
As chief of an international science advisory board of 14,301 licensed health and consulting professionals, it took 15 years to earn that title. My thermal radiation background of 41 years is the natural frequencies and vibrations of all matter above Absolute Zero(-496 deg. F or -273 deg. C.)
That means there is no such thing as non thermal, it is all thermal above Absolute Zero. Non thermal wasn't understood because the professionals representing it didn't understand where temperature starts. As a radiation consultant using non invasive radiology for 41 year allowed us to trouble shoot as well as train all professionals. It is the basis of all sciences. Governments and industry used our work as their standard due to no one else globally able to do it. That is how our international accredited medical team will provide a visual of the coronavirus interaction, even in quarantine. Giving medicine, other professions and their countries sight of their objectives when otherwise they are blind. That is why we get cleared to consult at this level. EMF exposure and associated damage as well as effective treatment can be seen. The plastic head shouldn't have overwhelmed any science professionals.
"And, even if you do have some special set of qualifications that makes you superior to such a wide assortment of learned professionals, I didn't see any facts or evidence cited in your emails to offer any proof that what any of these people have said is incorrect." This response by you is ridiculous, are you really an electrician and where did you get your ticket? You are saying people are sensitive to electrical current being induced; Havas has an electrical credential and it is ok that Havas undermined her university, country and beyond with her 100% unqualified opinion? Joel undermined Berkeley and California with his misrepresentations as well as his country but that is ok so long as we don't call Joel on his gross negligence?
What kind of electrical work did you do where you don't know there is a defined electrical connection where the utility's jurisdiction ends and electricians begin? The utility has no authority or jurisdiction to cross a property line and touch the meter base. They can read an analogue meter only. IF any work is to be done on the meter base, the utility and building's electrician attend to do their separate work. There are zero circumstances where the utility or the electrician would pull or swap that meter under electrical load. The arcs and surges are very dangerous. The meter base electrical connections are extremely fragile never having been maintained and in some cases for decades. Memphis had 10 in one family die in a fire when their meter was swapped on a building decades old. Electrical connections are the biggest cause of electrical failure. Stetzer meters are not addressing dirty electricity in the buildings. My career included inductive loads and power factor correction. I got calls from people being sold 1000s of dollars of your meters for their home. Havas promoted that in her unqualified capacity.
I thank William Bathgate for his objective power point on smart meters. I would add to it that the meters are a computer and the meter base isn't designed or insulated to house a computer. Temperature differential will create condensation and water and electricity don't work well together. Topping that off the smart meters are plastic and combustible. Combustible material on the outside of fire separations allows a meter base fire to get inside the wall and roof faster than fire separations would allow. There have been meter fires all over Canada and the United States.
Our jobs as electrical or consulting professionals is always report through the authorities having jurisdiction or there can be liability. It isn't always popular but is our job. When FortisBC's smart meter manager Mark Warren wrote an article to the Daily Courier on the safety of their smart meters, he mentioned me by name requiring a response. FortisBC "experts" and lawyers in their application for smart meters chose not to cross examine me. I cross examined them under oath for 3.5 hours. This is utility court at the provincial PUC level. It is a 13 page document including the transcripts of the BCUC. Page 12 shows one page of an inspection report for the utility, insurer and lumber mill. You can see 60 Hz EMFs moving metal and creating an electrical failure in a dangerous location. Page 13 explains the oscillations, vibrations and applicable Building Code rule across Canada.
FortisBC is a publicly traded company and without insurance as a result of the meter installation with EMF exposure. As the utilities' and PUCs' recognized expert across Canada, I wrote the CEO of FortisBC in my capacity.
Stetzer is going to be accountable as will others; he should know better than to speak over expertise.
Steve, FYI we were retained to represent citizens as well as a targeted professional engineer in the FortisBC application to the BCUC. The citizen's group's bill was zero and because the engineer had a lawsuit, they retained us for 3 things. Prove the EMFs were really hitting and hurting them($1500.00), isolate the antenna that was hitting their building($1600 Euros) as well as address BC Hydro smart meter on their condo at Sun Peaks. Gerhard's bill to date is just over $266,000.00 dollars to date and may hit 350,000 by the time the Reconsideration is done. Gerhard's lawsuit is in the millions and my paycheck wasn't 266 thousand dollars. It was all legal expense and I haven't made a dollar. The legal documents for the proceedings is 2 feet of binders stacked up and a lot of work. Any 10,000 dollars you and I spoke of was using those legal proceedings and bringing in your 3 levels of jurisdiction to work for you on tax dollars. Your entire state would have been able to piggyback on that.
The FortisBC application Carpenter was part of as an expert could have been stopped by CST lawyer David Aaron based on the Risk Assessment Report FortisBC "experts" did. You can read in my cross examination what these experts admitted to including they only considered the frequencies impinging on the body; they left out 100% of the bio electrical information of humans. I had never met David but Noble told him to ignore me. David left the room during my entire cross examination where I electrically substantiated Carpenter as well as the Bio-Initiative Report.
BC residents raised money for a class action lawsuit and Sharon Noble can tell you the amount. I called David regarding helping and he said he retained PhDs. I asked when he had ever called a PhD for an electrical interpretation. The class action lawsuit failed but could have succeeded. David Morrison had a lawsuit against schools in Oregon where his daughter went. I provided a declaration for Shawn Abrel for the lawsuit and I told Shawn I had to go first to substantiate the causal evidence. I never got a call and Havas was recommending lowering the radiation instead of the illegality of it.
I am done working on this thread; don't contact me on this again. How does it feel to have responsibility for a global pandemic? You aren't alone and shame on politicians with their self interests creating it. 100% of everything stands and I am responsible for that.(follow all links.)
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 41 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694
Editor's Note
Stay On the Truth, by Dianne Knight, is the only media in the world that Former Professor Curtis Bennett is talking to, the ONLY ONE who responded.

Cardiac Event Report by Ken Mack: '...medical report. I was amazed that my heartbeat went to 149 beats per minute.' 'In sending that shorten version of the report, I felt the same chest pains; that's when the judge ordered the transmitter to be turned on.'
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) March 17, 2020

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