Cell Phones and Bluetooth are Thought to be Safer with a Little Distance From Your Body

'Think of the breasts, ovaries, eggs and testicles with a radiation device next to you.'

~ Curtis Bennett

Cellphones and Blue Tooth are Thought to be Safer with a Little Distance From Your Body
Image Credit: Blausen.com staff (2014). "Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436. [CC BY 3.0]

By Curtis Bennett


March 31, 2019

It is assumed that if you hold the cell phone 1 or 2 inches away from your head, it is safe. Oops, when the SAR test is done on new cell phones, it isn’t plugged into the wireless network! That is like testing a toaster that isn’t plugged in. Here is the Specific Absorption Rate test that left out the grid and BC Hydro showing the grid for smart meters.
Test model for wireless exposure
Test model for wireless exposure
Dr. Magda Havas, PhD, asked me if our team would participate in an experiment at a school in 2010 to image one classroom without Wi-Fi and one class with. I immediately said no; we would be liable for the health effects as well as for radiating the school and infrastructure.

We participated in one test where a young man and parents were in agreement. The young man was always on his phone or kept it is a shirt or pant pocket. I want men, women, boys and girls to think about that when you see the before and after images. Think of the breasts, ovaries, eggs and testicles with a radiation device next to you.

These images were from 2002 and we were reporting illegal cell phones and cordless phones. The images are over the same span of temperature and the subject did not touch their face or neck. It was while lecturing medical education where people were asking about wireless exposure.
Before & After Cell Phone Use for 1 hour
Before & After Cell Phone Use for 1 hour
Think about the baby in the womb; ever see a mom with a laptop, tablet or cell phone on her belly?

Copyright © 2020 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Curtis Bennett's Comment

2019 04 02 Professor Curtis Bennett comment

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