Guest Curtis Bennett will continue:
Ongoing InterOccupy conference calls on EMF Harm

Thursday, January 16, 2014 11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET - 1 hour (or more)

Agenda: 2014-1-16

Curtis Bennett: The need for Accredited Medical Educational Programs and enforcing local Building Codes - and we need your assistance.

We will continue the dialog this week and next week about setting up Accredited Medical Educational Programs in local areas. The scope of medical diagnosis has changed with the grid hitting people from head to toe.

"Are wireless devices' signals a gentle form of 'tasering'?"

We will also continue discussing the need to have building codes enforced to prevent wireless technologies causing accelerated deterioration to structural integrity.

The need to have physicians, psychologists, engineers, law enforcers and other professionals, familiar with the devastating effects of living with EMF 'pain' and harm it causes, is crucial, as the undiagnosed are currently traumatized and unsure what to do and where to go, while their symptoms and pain escalates. The public has turned away from them and doesn't believe them - and worse, often thinks they're crazy.

The current building codes address structural failure from weakening, from the EMFs pounding the structures of buildings; getting the information acted upon is crucial. We need to  prevent this weakening of structures before it is too late.

[Deleted] Source

Recorded Call - Jan. 16, 2014 conference:
Curtis Bennett and unexpected guest Dr.William Rea

Related Past Conference Calls

12-19-2013: Guest Curtis Bennett with his education of the dangers of EMF, and review of ways we can participate in law suits. Also review of a letter written by Sharon Weinstein.

1-2-2014: Sharon M. Weinstein. As the healthcare field transitioned into the integrative arena, she was one step ahead of the pack, focusing her energies on overall well-being.

1-9-2014: Peter Goldberg, AP. Energy Medicine Practitioner and Consultant.

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