Former Professor Curtis Bennett

Education and Credentials

  • World’s foremost authority on applying infrared technologies at molecular levels with decades of advanced research as an infrared consultant (all applications).
Curtis Bennett: Education and Credentials

Former Professor
Curtis Bennett

  • Another application is showing how solar electromagnetic fields are causing buildings to ‘burn,’ or generate extreme heat, which they are not designed for.

  • Canadian Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal), with a theoretical and practical background in electromagnetic field designing. Education included extensive mathematical theory substantiated in a practical laboratory environment.

  • Canadian provincial and national credentials.

  • Construction engineering technologist, (building construction and design).

  • Diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, consisting of every aspect of construction, from contracts to completion.

  • Only person in the world who has completed an education in engineering, magnetic fields, heat transfer, and electron flow specifically to complement extensive background with a technology that allows us to see temperature beyond our visible spectrum.

  • Consulted with defense agencies, oil, gas, lumber, mine, and manufacturing industries, hydrologists, fire departments, medicine, energy, governments, municipalities, and insurers.

  • Extensively studied theory on magnetic and electromagnetic fields, including radiofrequency fields, for many years; it is how we produce electricity.

Curtis Bennett, Reporting Causation or the Mechanism Scientifically Linking Harm with Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) 

Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz Health Canada Safety Code 6 (2009)

Limits of Human Exposure
to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range
from 3 kHz to 300 GHz
Health Canada Safety Code 6 (2009)

[Click on right for 30 page PDF.]

  • In September, 2010, discovered errors or omissions substantiating  harm is being done   in Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, (Canada’s requirements for the use of non-ionizing radiation emitting devices) which was reported to Health Canada as our jurisdictional authority regarding the dangers of radiofrequency interaction with humans and followed-up in October as expert witness for Canadian Parliament's Standing Committee specific to “An Examination of the Potential Health Impacts of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation.”

  • The error is that Safety Code 6 failed to consider that any given person is an intricate unprotected electrical unit with its own frequencies and voltages. Safety Code 6 treats humans as a piece of tissue or furniture and negates to mention human frequencies or electrical sensitivity.

HESA Report Final
December 2010

[Click on right for 26 page PDF.]


Curtis Bennett, Medical Educator

  • Former Energy Medicine Adjunct Faculty Member in the Continuing Medical Education program by Integrative Health Forum (IHF), Presented in the United States to Medical Doctors and health professionals regarding the dangers of radiofrequency interaction with humans.

  • Academia of the world is literally blind to temperature. By employing infrared at the molecular level, we are able to see things such as breast cancer, below surface groundwater (nature's hidden treasure), and forest fires through blinding smoke.

  • Program addressed magnetism, electromagnetic frequencies, and the mechanism as to how they are dangerous.

  • Additionally, lectures regarding buildings and their toxins, groundwater, forest fires and their toxicity, medical imaging including before and after images of physiology changes with treatment. Concepts of cellular energy and the function of the human body are integrated with the growing focus on the dangers of radiofrequency radiation, including Wi-Fi, and cellular technology.

  • Presentation of environmental pollution of electromagnetic fields versus magnetic fields.

  • Medical academia lectures approved for credit through the following organizations:
    • American Academy of Family Practice
    • American Holistic Nurses Association
    • Florida Boards of Medicine, Nursing, and Dentistry
    • National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.

Continuing Medical Education
 Press Release: 14th Annual International Congress on
Anti-Aging Medicine
July 14-16, 2006;
Chicago, USA
[Click on right for 1 page PDF.]

Energy Medicine Faculty, with Curtis Bennett, Dr. Peter Goldberg,
Sharon Weinstein, and the late beloved Anthony Bove

"Good times with brilliant men who shared their wisdom and Energy Medicine
with the masses. Thank you Curtis, Peter and Anthony."

Photo courtesy of
Sharon Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN

Letter from Integrative Health Forum on Medical Education,
January 15, 2012

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Integrative Health Forum on Medical Education,
February 14, 2013

August 30, 2015
Dianne Knight:
'This letter is written on behalf of the 14,000 global members of the Integrative Health Forum (IHF), an alliance of licensed healthcare professionals. The Energy Medicine Program is administered by the Integrative Health Forum (IHF) & Global Education Development Institute (GEDI) and these organizations are on the cutting edge of global progressive medical education. Doctors are offered accredited Continuing Medical Education in the programs teaching Toxicity, Body Burden, Hydration, Nutrition, Magnetism and Causality linking EMFs to adverse health effects is an electrical mechanism, etc.'
"Please, everyone take this letter to doctors, when in alignment with your individual needs."

October 1, 2015
Curtis Bennett:
"Dianne Knight, Thanks for the post. People need to understand the significance of the letter as their medical professionals were never informed or consulted on the scope of diagnosis changing. This letter isn't competing with any person or group, it is completing you. It is precedent setting and medical professionals will better understand people speaking of injury or symptoms."

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Curtis Bennett, Lecturer,
on Dangers of the Frequencies

'Curtis Bennett is renowned for his unparalleled knowledge in the field of thermal imaging. He has spent his career applying this know-how to the areas of the energy medicine, building materials science, the environment and others. Curtis’ background is in architecture and building engineering, with a separate certification in electrical energy provision. Mr. Bennett tailored his own education with a specific focus on infrared systems. Mr. Bennett is also committed to contributing to the overall improvement of the earth’s ecosphere by using his know-how to extend mankind’s vision beyond the visible. In doing so, his thermal imaging has demonstrated that by making prudent choices of building materials, their role in the global warming trend can be minimized. Curtis Bennett has a professional background in building design, engineering, construction and separate national credentials in electrical energy provision. Curtis is the only person in the world that completed an education in engineering and electron flow specifically to compliment his background with a technology that allows us to see temperature beyond our visible spectrum.'

Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN

~ Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, RN, CRNI, FACW, FAAN

Lifestyle and Work/Life Balance Coach;
Adjunct Faculty, UIC Greater Chicago Area
 Integrative Health Forum, Core Consulting Group

To: Una St. Clair
From: Sharon M. Weinstein
Date: January 15, 2012
Subject: Medical Education Programs
[Click on right for 3 page PDF]


Curtis Bennett,
Low-Level Radio Frequency Exposure Expert Witness

Directly below are the legal filings in US Court asking for an injunction against Wi-Fi in schools. The difference in this court case is the mechanism linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was found and reported through Health Canada as the jurisdictional authority.   

  Special Feature - June 2011
  (Updated January 2012)

 The following documents outline the current case...

[1] Second Amended Complaint
[2] Exhibits A and B to Second Amended Complaint
[3] Amended Declaration of Dr David Carpenter
[4] Declaration of Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, Ph.D
[5] Declaration of Dr. Magda Havas, Ph. D
[6] Havas - Addendum A - Studies
[7] Havas - Addendum B - Boston Petition
[8] Havas - Addendum C - International Appeals
[9] Havas - Addendum D - Presentation
[10] Amended Declaration of Lloyd Morgan
[11] Morgan - Addendum A - WI-FI Survey
[12] Morgan - Addendum B - Mount Tabor Log Book
[14] Morgan - Addendum D - BEMS presentation 6-12-08
[15] Morgan - Addendum E - Poster - Re-evaluation of the Interphone Study
[16] Morgan - Addendum F - Poster - Exposure Limits The underestimation . . . especially in children
[17] Morgan - Addendum G - Poster - 108 How Many Brain Tumors v3 6-8-09 [Compatibility Mode]
[18] Morgan - Addendum H - Poster - Incidence Rate Model 5-8-11
[19 ] Morgan - Addendum I - Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents
[20] Amended Declaration of Barry Trower
[21] Trower - Addendum A
[22] Second Amended Declaration of Curtis Bennett
[23] Expert Report of David Savitz (Portland Public Schools)
[24] Reply of Dr David Carpenter, M.D.
[25] Amended Reply of Dr. Magda Havas, Ph. D.
[26] Amended Reply of L. Loyd Morgan
Reply-of-Dr-David-Carpenter, M.D.


Second Amended Declaration of Curtis Bennett

  • "I, Curtis Bennett, under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, hereby make the following declaration in support of a preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining Portland Public Schools' use of Wi-Fi . . ."

  • "Within the relevant scientific community it is generally accepted many bioeffects and adverse health effects occur as a result of low-level RF/MW radiation exposure, with unrealized domino-effect costs of many kinds, some of which all people will suffer, sooner or later. Specialists also consider the secondary effects to human society of losses of wildlife, essential insects, plants and other environmental damages from ubiquitous and unnatural PM RF/MW radiation."

  • "In my opinion as a professional with Canadian national and pro AHM, other students, and school staff and faculty adverse health effects and should be discontinued immediately as this as a national and global emergency. "

Safety standards negating the electrical conflicts made the process miss causation or the mechanism scientifically linking harm with electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Thus, the failure to include people has resulted in no consideration for the frequency conflicts between non native Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation and humans.

~ Curtis Bennett


Application Training For

First Response

  • Chemical Spills
  • Search & Rescue
  • Fire Services
  • Watershed Performance

Commercial/Residential Bldgs

  • Verify Building Envelope Performance
  • Locate Moisture/Mold
  • Energy Savings


  • Inspect Under Load
  • No Production Losses

Medical/Veterinary Imaging

  • 100% Non Invasive Radiology
  • Portable and Mobile
  • Locate & Isolate Source

Former Professor Curtis Bennett

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