Non Invasive Radiology

BC Cariboo Fire Centre

BC Wildfire Service, Cariboo Fire Centre (Williams Lake)

This is very basic imaging as thermal gradients in front of fires can be seen giving unobstructed sight through smoke.

~ Curtis Bennett

Curtis Bennett email forwarded to Dianne Knight of StayOnTheTruth
By Curtis Bennett
Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 9:45 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time
Cariboo Wildfires Information and Safety Page, July 22nd, 2024, in Williams Lake, B.C.
From: Curtis Bennett <>
Date: Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 9:45 AM
Subject: Subject: Fires CAN BE SEEN THROUGH SMOKE using non invasive radiology
To: <>

This is very basic imaging as thermal gradients in front of fires can be seen giving unobstructed sight through smoke.

I initiated the evacuation of Kettle Valley August 21 & 22, 2003(30,000) when the fires interfaced with Kelowna.

BC 2003 Forest Fire Public Inquiry Edited, California, Alberta, BC, etc. Fighting Fires Blind in 2019

I presented for the Filmon Fire Inquiry and Former Mayor Sharon Shepherd congratulated me as well as invited me to city hall. I got a call from a local reporter Marshall Jones when the inquiry came and he informed me I wasn't in it. Premier Campbell's Office edited me out of the fire inquiry entirely, I didn't even present. That denied BC the ability to see through smoke as well as track thermal gradients in front of the fire providing a graphic visual to fire command. It is a very basic application today and will allow the use of resources to target an area. The edited fire inquiry kept critically important advances in fire fighting from the world.

Here is very very basic information for you when the Terrace Mountain fire was burning.

Terrace Mountain Forest Fire Growth August 1

I worked in Jasper seasonally and it breaks my heart, so much more could have been done with unobstructed sight through smoke.

Keeping it simple, what does global academia have in common when it comes to temperature? They are all blind to temperature; we measure or calculate. With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response that can now be seen. When a lawyer heading to a courtroom called me, I informed them we could image the patient in the courtroom and in front of the judge to isolate their health challenge.

Please contact the writer with any questions. Thank you and your team for your hard work.

Curtis Bennett

Former Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members) 
Former Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits 
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 45 Years 
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal) 
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 250-860-5707 rm 333
“Bringing the Invisible to Light Since 1979”
Wireless Communication is Electromagnetic Radiation Inducing Electrical Current, Changing ALL Sciences

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