Kelowna Capital News
November 19, 2006
By Charlie Hodge
I have always been astounded by the Not In My Hometown Syndrome (or
the Eeyore Complex) and have recently realized that it is not restricted to
simply our lack of recognition of musicians or artistic types. Nope - it seems
EC or NIMHS crosses all human genre of society – including visionaries in
the world of science, environment, and humanity.
The Not In My Hometown syndrome is, of course, that overarching cloud
of negativity that suggests that nothing or no one gifted, talented, significant
or great can possibly come from our own hometown. Like Eeyore the fatalist
donkey pal of Winnie the Pooh, we simply believe that, “if it’s good - it
can’t happen here.”
It’s a rampant disease certainly witnessed in the music and art world where
bands such as Cruzeros, Kinship, Sleddogs, The MacGregors, Scott
Thielman and others – are huge draws and garner all kinds of attention
elsewhere in the country and world, but are barely known or supported in
their own home town. Same with so many painters and sculptors such as
Ramona Swift, Merv Brandl, Jim Krahn, John Revill, Alex Fong, and….
who hang in galleries around the country and world but are barely
appreciated here.
Well, add to the list a visionary with determination and a passion to better
this planet - by the name of Curtis Bennett.
It’s actually difficult to specifically tag just what Curtis exactly is or does,
because he simply never stops. However, suffice to say most of it stems
from his work and research with his company Thermografix Consulting
Corporation. For a couple of years now he’s been continually offering his
knowledge, equipment, and technological skills to the City, Regional
District, Province, and others. For the most part it seems he’s basically been
snubbed, ignored, or shushed. Out of ignorance, job protection, politics, fear,
or whatever …regardless – Eeyore Thinking has hit again, hurting more than
just us.
As a certified thermographer, Curtis studies heat and where it is, what it
does, how, and why, and has meticulously worked on technology and
research in better understanding heat and what it means physically,
medically, globally, … He is also a National Certified Electrician and an
Engineering Technologist. His innovative skills have led to some amazing
findings and scenarios. It’s frustrating then, for such a creative and willing
person to watch as needless destruction to our environment and ourselves
take place because of fear or ignorance.
As an example, during the recent ‘Fire’ Thermografix offered their heat
tracking skills to help the fire fighters. With his equipment Curt could point
out the exact locations of hot spots and fire sources that could not be found
another way because of the intense smoke. But the fire crews, police, and
province never gave him a minute – too busy. Months later, after providing
heaps of data and evidence to a (provincial) review board - he was not
allowed to be a part of the provincially organized Fire review inquiry.
Clearly if Mr. Bennett was to be heard at a review hearing, and displayed
his technology, it would prove pretty embarrassing to some. A valid,
effective, immediate way of finding the sources of the fire – ignored? Whoa!
But Curtis Bennett is not only bright, innovative, and determined – he
borders on obsessive with his passion to help save our planet. He knows he
has technology at his fingertips that can help save our planet and our health
and people in his own backyard won’t wake up and give it a look.
However, thankfully not everyone is ignoring him. Not at all.
In fact Curt spent the better part of this past week in communication with
the Prime Minister’s office over his work on tracking heating loss from
buildings and their flawed design.
As well, he is now on regular demand to talk and make presentations to
folks in the medical field in the U.S. They are fascinated with his technology
regarding the near perfect detection of cancer and other medical insights.
His personal medical doctor’s comment on his efforts?
“This is excellent work. I am proud to be associated with you - and your
work has global implications as well as cellular and molecular ramifications.
Your outlook and inner vision is looking into the future disaster or the future
salvation of the global ecology.”
Of greatest current passion to Bennett though, is to convince decision
makers of the potential to radically reduce global warming and other
significantly negative environmental impacts by simply meeting building
code standards in our community and province.
“Everything in the world is temperature sensitive and it is vitally important
to our survival as a species to respect that and not impose temperatures on
the atmosphere. The whole world assumes that global warming is from heat
trapping gases from burning fossil fuels, but it is much more than that. Just
look at our buildings for a start,” he explains.
Bennett has the equipment and the evidence to show that we are
consistently creating structures all around us that are not even close to
meeting code for the loss of heat and other factors.
Thermografix uses advanced thermography applications to accurately
document actual building energy use and compare it to design temperatures.
In general, buildings have a very serious design problem causing them to
grossly exceed design temperatures. The solutions are not all that difficult
including design, landscaping, angles, materials - but everyone turns a blind
eye - even though the result is blatantly a useless waste of heat and energy
and a huge impact on our air quality and global warming effect. Needless
The building flaw is not universal to Kelowna – in fact it’s almost
everywhere. We are simply not building buildings right. The technical
results are similar in every city, province and state; buildings have serious
design problems regarding temperatures. It’s just frustrating that he has to go
elsewhere to prove it.
If you want to know more about this character check out his website at
Curtis will be among those involved in this week’s upcoming Sustainability
Forum and Workshop and it will be interesting for me to see what sort of
attention and response he receives. A lot of eyeballs (and hopefully minds)
may get an awakening of what many others around the world are starting to
Bennett is the cutting edge.
He is constantly on the look for ways to utilize his thermo and electrical
knowledge with technology – and his efforts may someday earn him a Nobel
Prize. But, oh yeah, that couldn’t happen here. Not in our little town.