Microwave Radiation and the Heart
A Cardiac Risk Factor?

By Stephen T. Sinatra M.D., F.A.C.C., C.N.S.

Washington, D.C., 2011


The essence of disease originates from nutrient depletion in the context of physical and emotional trauma and environmental and electrical toxicity. At the center of this complex is the compromised receptor site on the cellular membrane. As the cellular membrane becomes vulnerable and dysfunctional, vital nutrients such as oxygen, vitamins, minerals, and hormones are not able to enter and nourish the cell in sufficient amounts. Toxic waste is not adequately flushed out of the cell. This scenario accelerates the development of microbial enhancement. Eventually the cells become toxic, unable to regenerate and malfunction occurs.

This lecture will discuss how vibrational frequencies hold the key to optimum health. Bioenergetic-supporting nutrients as well as avoidance of toxic EMF and wireless technologies, grounding the body, FIR sauna and the utilization of very low frequency pulsed electromagnetic waves are just a few of the exciting discoveries that assist the quantum energy of the body. This is the new wisdom that will assist us in the good vibe/bad vibe technological age.
Microwave Radiation and the Heart
© 2011 Heart MD Institute. All rights reserved.

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