Radio Frequency Exposure
Mutation of Eggs

Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs

A smart meter will go on your home and the meters, relays, routers, collectors will radiate a fetus, a baby, a baby girl’s eggs 24/7. Chickens hatch in 21 days and the chicks were mutated, girl’s eggs will be radiated for years until they become of age to be able to get pregnant. When they get pregnant, if they get pregnant, what will happen to the baby? All of this to read energy consumption remotely and this isn’t addressing the problems to buildings, infrastructure, agriculture, fish, trees and literally everything in the coverage area.

~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett


February 17, 2014

Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs-2
Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs-3

Wireless technology seems like a great idea, the problem is we aren’t electrically compatible. Our 60 Hz electrical grid in North America function with appliances, equipment or devices that operate at 60 Hz. If they didn’t the equipment wouldn’t run efficiently or safely.

Smart Meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi use frequencies that are 900 MHz to 5 GHz. That is 900 million cycles per second to 5 billion cycles per second. Towers, their antennas, routers and other wireless infrastructure are bathing areas so we can use wireless. The real problem is there are reasons we wire devices because nothing in existence runs at those frequencies. Safety Code 6 in Canada uses the same science standards as the FCC but admits the mechanisms were missing linking the frequencies to adverse health effects. They left out the millions or trillions of frequencies of biological systems as well as the routers and antennas hitting all life. The frequencies are illegal as applied. Safety standards only considered tissue was heating, they left out the fact intricate electrical systems are electromagnetically induced. Ohm’s law wasn’t considered or used and it wasn’t understood cell voltages in your body are changed.

Volts = amps x resistance(V= IxR) Power(watts) = volts X amps. If you look at a spec plate on an appliance in your home, you can determine how many watts the appliance in your home uses. A cell in your body has -70 mV and that voltage will change but none of that information was used when it comes to safety.

The information below is critically important to you. You will read that authors radiated chicken eggs with frequencies and the chicks were mutated as you can see in the pictures.

A smart meter will go on your home and the meters, relays, routers, collectors will radiate a fetus, a baby, a baby girl’s eggs 24/7. Chickens hatch in 21 days and the chicks were mutated, girl’s eggs will be radiated for years until they become of age to be able to get pregnant. When they get pregnant, if they get pregnant, what will happen to the baby? All of this to read energy consumption remotely and this isn’t addressing the problems to buildings, infrastructure, agriculture, fish, trees and literally everything in the coverage area.

Here is a picture from a must read book called “Cellular Radiation, Is This our Next Titanic?” by Dr. David R. James & Ora James Murphy. Ph: 1-877-300-4880 Ext 102. Look at the picture and think of your children or wives as well as all life. After mutation, what happens when a species can’t reproduce anymore?

Radio Frequency Exposure Causing Mutation of Eggs

Last week we got calls from veterans whose grandchildren had deformities at birth, extra fingers, autism, eye problems and other unthinkable challenges to be considered.

Curtis Bennett: "Read the post; the pictures and studies speak for themselves, except now we are getting calls from veterans specific to the issue. The pictures they showed were graphic, disturbing, break my heart and really make me angry.

This is the reality of electrocuting a mom, dad and fetus with electromagnetic radiation exposure where governments have determined 24/7 exposure of Wi-Fi frequencies and wireless smart meters is acceptable. All of that exposure [is] based on a plastic head with a gel or liquid in it. The Specific Absorption Rate only tested the end use device, they didn't include the wireless radiation required to complete the circuit. Industry reports there isn't one peer reviewed study showing harm. That is because the plastic head doesn't have health, biology, organs or frequencies.

Inducing those babies and the EMFs expanding and collapsing 1.8 to 10 billion times per second inside the developing bodies is a death sentence. Making this more horrific is the utilities didn't go to medicine and ask for their opinions on blanket radiation.

The chicken eggs were radiated for 21 days before they hatch; utilities have you in the EMF 24/7 for years. This undermines the governments that funded the smart grid. Is this considered or incorporated into Obamacare or any care? Dr. William Bailey of the Exponent Group admitted under cross examination in the FortisBC application for wireless that frequencies triggered nerves in labs and that the nervous, hormonal and immune systems work together. Ask a doctor what happens when your immune system isn't working?

Some stubborn people have said PROOF is needed, not armpits and emotion. The peer reviewed science is called electricity. This was presented for the Texas PUC by their expert panel and through the Lt. Governor as well as the Texas Senate Committee at their request.

Do you think Massachusetts or other states need more meetings and discussion; here is the trade off. What is the genetic mutation of one child worth in a lawsuit? This is why government trained and certified electrical professionals warned governments."


Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Abortion in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Qureshi ST, Memon SA, Abassi AR, Sial MA, Bughio FA. Radiofrequency radiations induced genotoxic and carcinogenic effects on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) root tip cells. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2017 May;24(4):883-891. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2016.02.011. Epub 2016 Feb 11. PMID: 28490961; PMCID: PMC5415122.

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