Retired Army Captain Presents Compelling Argument Against Smart Meters –
And Most Wireless Devices

Retired Army Captain Presents Compelling Argument Against Smart Meters – And Most Wireless Devices

October 31, 2012

Retired Army Captain Presents Compelling Argument Against Smart Meters – And Most Wireless Devices
Retired Canadian Armed Forces Captain and electromagnetic radiation expert Jerry Flynn gave a compelling and worrisome presentation about the potential human health hazards caused by smart meters – and numerous other wireless devices – during a presentation in Oliver last Wednesday evening. Photo by Keith Lacey.
A retired Canadian military expert in electronic warfare says radiation emitted from wireless devices – including “smart meters” FortisBC is trying to bring to customers in the South Okanagan  – represent the single biggest threat to human health in the 21st century.

Speaking before an overflow crowd of more than 120 people packed into Medici’s Gelateria in Oliver last Wednesday evening, retired Canadian Armed Forces Captain Jerry Flynn, who lives in Kelowna, presented a thorough, bleak and compelling synopsis of medical and scientific data accumulated during years of research he has conducted on electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

“The more you learn about this stuff, the angrier you will get,” said Flynn, who worked for much of his career in an elite branch of the Canadian army that was responsible for conducting research on electronic warfare. “When it comes to this stuff, your government is letting you down.”

FortisBC has applied to the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) for an application to bring smart meters to thousands of customers across the South Okanagan.

FortisBC management will be hosting an information session on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at Spirit Ridge Spa and Resort in Osoyoos.

Some of the most respected scientists in the world have finally gone public in the past few years detailing the enormous negative impact of wireless devices, said Flynn.

Despite the massive amounts of scientific studies on negative health impacts caused by smart meters and other wireless devices, government leaders remain tight-lipped about EMR as powerful business and industry leaders have exerted their influence and allowed the telecommunications industry to thrive, said Flynn.

“Major industry is in bed with the government,” he said.

Flynn was the special guest of Judy Nicholas, an Oliver woman who has formed the Smart Meter Awareness Group, which is working to protest plans by FortisBC to force customers in the South Okanagan to have automated metering infrastructure – more commonly called smart meters – installed on their homes.

Flynn’s presentation was entitled “Smart Meters and Electromagnetic Radiation: The Worst Health Crisis in Canadian History.”

After a 26-year career in the Canadian military, Flynn said “I know a lot about radiation and electronics,” but added all the information he has gathered through the years is readily available to any consumer who owns a laptop and has access to the Internet.

The biggest problem with smart meters is they emit a constant, pulsing EMR signal that, through the passage of time, can cause serious health problems, said Flynn.

“These utility companies will never tell you these signals are pulsed … there is nothing more harmful than a pulsing EMR signals because they never turn off and that’s what we’re getting with these things,” he said.

Utility companies trying to bring smart meters to this province continually repeat that consumers face much more dangerous exposure on a daily basis from other wireless devices, but refuse to admit these meters are dangerous, which is not true, said Flynn.

“They will try and convince you chronic, low-level exposure isn’t harmful … I honestly don’t think they know,” he said.

No government in the world has ever commissioned a detailed study on smart meters or many other wireless devices, which is frightening considering the growing scientific evidence of how much harm is being caused, he said.

“The truth is no one knows what is safe … and they’re ignoring what scientists know,” he said.

The biggest reason governments around the world have ignored this problem is constant and effective lobbying by major industry as wireless technology has become the most lucrative segment of worldwide economic development, he said.

“Government and industry are in this together to preserve industry profits,” he said.

“Governments have ignored it because of immense pressure from industry … it’s all about profit. The most powerful industry in the world today is the telecom industry. We’re talking trillions of dollars.”

When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States declared in a draft report in 1990 that certain wireless devices could be a “possible carcinogen”, the agency’s funding in this area was decreased from $875,000 per year to $25,000, he said.

Legislation has also been allowed in Canada and the United States, which basically allows wireless communication companies to install towers anywhere they like, which is disturbing because these towers emit constant and dangerous levels of EMR, he said.

There isn’t any policy in this country which controls how much EMR can be emitted from these towers, he said.

“The growth in serious illness and disease and the proliferation of all wireless devices are almost in lock step … they follow the exact same curve over the past 15 years,” he said.

Devices like microwave ovens, cordless phones, WiFi routers and even baby monitors emit EMR for hundreds of feet and these waves pass through walls and enter the human body, he said.

Many of the world’s leading scientists believe the rapid increase in various forms of cancer and other serious illness is directly related to the growth and proliferation of wireless technology over the past 30 years, said Flynn.

Major media outlets have also been complicit in their failure to recognize the seriousness of this issue as not one negative article about concerns over EMR has appeared in the biggest newspapers in Los Angeles, New York or Washington in the past five years, said Flynn.

“These newspapers have been told that if you write a bad story about us, we will not advertise,” he said.

Utility companies have suggested exposure to smart meters remain harmless, but science has proven otherwise and he has taken it upon himself to share the best information he has at his disposal, said Flynn.

In early October, the Supreme Court of Italy ruled in favour of a man who had been awarded a large sum of money at trial after claiming his health had deteriorated due to constant exposure to wireless devices, said Flynn.

He believes the Italian ruling will set a precedent for other legal action by citizens in other countries.

In conclusion, Flynn told the audience the only way applications like the one now before the BCUC by FortisBC will be rejected is if regular citizens voice their opposition and do it loudly and convincingly.

FortisBC’s application to bring smart meters to this region was rejected in 2008 and Flynn said it will happen again if enough people speak out.

“How can a government allow you to put a possible cancer causing piece of equipment on your house?” he asked. “It’s beyond me, but we have to speak up and make sure we’re heard.”

Jerry Flynn ~ Overview

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