Urgent Information on Urban Heat Islands,
Climate Change & Emissions

Urgent Information on Urban Heat Islands, Climate Change & Emissions
Exclusive Quotation

The framing inside the walls can be seen and lumber is not supposed to be a good conductor. The lumber held the heat all day.

~ Curtis Bennett
January 8, 2025


"If you captured carbon or stopped all emissions, the buildings would still heat the atmosphere.

After several years and seasons of the most advanced infrared building applications in the world, we found the cause of urban heat islands as well as why massive energy is used responding to urban heat islands.

The world is literally blind to temperature. The web site SolarEMFs.com shows the most advanced documentation in the world on how solar radiation EMF interaction with buildings is causing them to generate extreme heat that is contributing to climate change without producing emissions. We are supposed to reflect or protect from solar radiation; we couldn't see it before."

~ Curtis Bennett

Related Web Site: SolarEMFs.com 

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All work from Former Professor Curtis Bennett, Thermoguy.com is reproduced and distributed
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