Wireless Frequencies &
Solar Radiation in Your Area

Solar EMFs Impact on Exposed Buildings or Ground
Solar EMFs Impact on Exposed Buildings or Ground

By Curtis Bennett

December 6, 2011

Wireless Frequencies & Solar Radiation in Your Area

[PDF] Dianne Knight, Wireless Frequencies & Solar Radiation in Your Area

Solar EMFs Impact on Exposed Buildings or Ground

(1:17 min.)

21 June 2012

What do all countries in the world have in common when it comes global warming causing climate change? They are all blind to the temperature. Temperature is a critical consideration, we calculate for it.

Ontario is reporting hot weather as is Quebec. Media refers to cooling stations and air conditioning use. AC is refrigeration and is being used responding to the symptoms of buildings being radiated by the same sun that burns our skin.

Building Code contribution that originates with Environment Canada tells us to watch out for solar radiation but we couldn't see it before. Buildings are signed off as compliant with Building Code.

The meeting in Rio won't be made aware of it, Canada isn't reporting it. The massive energy waste associated with air conditioning is enough to meet Kyoto Objectives. Canada wouldn't have to sell oil resources with the pipeline and who is addressing the big heat sink across provinces that will contribute to climate change. 

We can not remove ground cover or there will be ramifications. These videos bring the invisible to light and these problems can be addressed reducing emissions immediately. Scientists state a 2 deg C rise in atmospheric temperature will be catastrophic, the time lapsed video is alarming. MASSIVE AC waste responding to symptoms. AC is in fact refrigeration.

The second time-lapsed video shows how you are cooked in your homes by EMF exposure on the exterior. The building materials have become a source of heat.

City of Toronto 2011 12 09

City of Toronto 2011 12 08
2011 12 09 Dianne Knight-Wireless Frequencies

[PDF] City of Toronto 2011 12 09

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