The BCUC needs to reverse the FortisBC and BC Hydro wireless applications or be accountable legally as well
Michael Smyth: Is Hydro playing smoke and mirrors over smart-meter fires?

Langley resident Luc De Beir says a smart meter caused a fire at his cabin near Prince George. A neighbour said a power pole (pictured) had caught fire at its base, where a new smart meter had been installed, and fell over.
Photograph by: Submitted, Luc De Beir

B.C. Hydro insists its spiffy new smart meters have not caused any fires, even though the technology has been blamed for blazes in other jurisdictions. That includes Saskatchewan, where the government just decided to get rid of smart meters after a series of electrical fires there.
Photograph by: Submitted, Luc De Beir
The BCUC needs to reverse the FortisBC and BC Hydro wireless applications or be accountable legally as well. I was a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC application and it was rubber stamped or they would have had to reverse the BC Hydro smart meter program that was allowed to bypass all regulatory process.
~ Curtis Bennett
Comments by Curtis Bennett on Facebook

September 9, 2014, at 21:58 Eastern Time
Curtis Bennett commented on an article.
The BCUC needs to reverse the FortisBC and BC Hydro wireless applications or be accountable legally as well. I was a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC application and it was rubber stamped or they would have had to reverse the BC Hydro smart meter program that was allowed to bypass all regulatory process. FortisBC Engineer Mark Warren admitted under direct cross examination that FortisBC would irradiate 17,000 sq. Kms. Prior to cross examining FortisBC "experts" here are the questions I asked FortisBC on the cost of wired versus wireless meters. This is the link to the BCUC website and it was the BCUC that made a ruling that FortisBC didn't have to answer the questions.
The questions are relevant today and FortisBC will get sued to extinction. Kelowna as one example will have to shut down their building inspection and all real estate sales because of non compliance with of BC Building Code. Then FortisBC will be sued for taking EMFs to the homes of pacemaker recipients where BC Health Authority has told them to stay out of an EMF. Kelowna has their own liabilities as their electrical manager was informed but did not respond in any capacity."
Editor's Note
The following comment contains profanity.September 9, 2014, at 12:44 am Eastern Time
Curtis Bennett commented on an article:
BC Hydro is lying their asses off when it comes to fire issues and they need to be held accountable including prosecution to the full extent of the law. BC Hydro officials that allowed this frequency and biological weapon as applied will be accountable for their reckless endangerment of the public. Rich Coleman, Gary Murphy, Dag Sherman, Perry Kendall, Premier Campbell to name a few were warned by BC Government Certified Electrical Professionals that under NO circumstances would we allow contractors with 2 weeks training to TOUCH live electrical equipment. Kendall was told the dangers of the EMFs was lectured for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing but he chose political party over medicine and now he needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The meter base is the home owners and the contractors created the fire hazard with their negligence. Here is a document that was written for media today for Saskatchewan Power and please read because BC Hydro has to remove 1.9 million meters, re-inspect 1.9 million meter bases and in reality replace them to ensure the electrical integrity of the electrical systems. Then Professional Engineers have to inspect and sign off on 1.9 million buildings because BC Hydro electromagnetically induced the buildings causing them to be non compliant with of BC Building Code under vibration. Then BC Hydro has the liability for the costs as well as the adverse health effects of all the people in the coverage areas. Then there is the eco damage with the blanket radiation of their coverage areas. As I would be responsible in my professional capacity for hurting people, the Auditor General of BC and the Attorney General need to investigate this based on an unprecedented health and environmental emergency. The liability they have created needs to be their own and not taxpayers. People have died from this EMF assault, pacemakers have been interfered with and unrealized damage. All of that is with BC Hydro moving forward with the Specific Absorption Rate test which is a plastic head with water and a temperature probe in it.

"BCUC needs to reverse FortisBC and BC Hydro wireless applications or be accountable legally"
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) August 23, 2015

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