Boeing Engineers Using Potatoes For Wi-Fi Safety on Airlines Isn’t Reassuring & Creates Unrealized Consequences

Boeing Engineers Using Potatoes For Wi-Fi Safety on Airlines Isn’t Reassuring & Creates Unrealized Consequences
Image Credit: Boeing YouTube

It is disgraceful that a pregnant woman on the flight doesn't know she and the baby are in the flying microwave oven. It is indefensible. All the FCC, utilities and governments have to take to court is a plastic head.

~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett


March 12, 2019

As the different levels of government’s trained and credentialed science professionals, our jobs represent critically important codes and standards. Banks, lenders, insurers, fire services, police, education, medicine, all services, elected representatives, environment, energy efficiency, sustainable development require those minimum standards to secure financing.

Any technical challenges to the above are specific to code rules and science. Professionals have a duty to do their jobs, not speak over their expertise and political parties have to follow the above and not an agenda of the political party. When we do our trades certification, engineering, sciences or their administration there aren’t separate standards to accommodate political interests or affiliations. Any compromise of the above has real consequences including liability.

Media has been reporting problems with aircraft design and new planes with experienced pilots are crashing with all on board killed right after takeoff.

Airlines without exception have considerations regarding fires and explosions on airplanes that are not being considered or addressed. If you ever watch Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den, you will see and hear the sharks refer to immediate cost reduction and profit getting it made in China. Standards are different as are the end product. I bought a GE hotplate with 2 burners. Made in China and one burner didn’t work.

Two weeks ago a basketball player wearing Nike shoes had the shoe come unglued and the athlete was injured. I bought sneakers at Walmart and they fell apart after 3 months. I was walking and riding a bike.

Cellphones, vaping pipes, electronics, appliances, etc made overseas and they are failing causing explosions and fires. Directly below are quotes from this law firm.

More than 350,000 people are hurt by defective products each year—with the most serious injuries suffered when products explode or catch fire.

Unfortunately, these kinds of product explosions have been anything but few and far between, and malfunctioning ion batteries have been at the root of many of them.

Airlines are not considering their passengers and cargo hold have these devices on their planes.

Airlines now have Wi-Fi on aircraft for ease of communication. RF EMFs are electromagnetic radiation and are microwaves. In order for the Wi-Fi to work, all people on the planes as well as crew are inside a man made microwave oven.

September 14, 2010, the errors and omissions in exposure code Safety Code 6(2009) was reported to provinces, Health Canada and PM Harper. October 26, 2010 at the request of Canadian Parliaments Standing Committee on Health. In the supplementary report, NDP asked for Health Canada to investigate because of my credentials.

Boeing Engineers did the work specific to Wi-Fi safety on planes. Here is Boeing’s video on their tests. The testing Boeing did failed airlines. There are reasons we wire the world.

EMFs interfere with brain waves, what are the frequencies of a potato’s brain?

Boeing's cutting-edge science and potatoes enable Wi-Fi advance

4:03 min.
Copyright © 2019 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Professor Dr. Ronald Lynch and Professor Curtis Bennett's Comments

 Boeing Engineers Using Potatoes For Wi-Fi Safety on Airlines Isn’t Reassuring & Creates Unrealized Consequences

March 12, 2019, 4:04 pm Eastern Time

Professor Curtis Bennett: 'Airlines should be alarmed and worried. I am not reassured and will not fly in a microwave oven. I am not a potato and fires in the cargo hold from cheap China products has to be considered for causing crashes.'

Ronald Lynch & Curtis Bennett
March 13, 2019, 1:28 am Eastern Time

Professor Dr. Ronald Lynch: Thank you Curtis for looking out for the ignorant and uninformed about our potential safety hazards to EMFs
and RF on board even an aircraft. This info may help us avoid our brains  turning into French Fries.

March 13, 2019, 8:07 am Eastern Time

Professor Curtis Bennett: 'There are many surgeries that can be done with a potato and fries are one of them. Did any of your extensive medical education and work use a potato or a plastic head to simulate human biology?'
Sam Phantom Model Specific Absorption Rate Test
Sam Phantom Model Specific Absorption Rate Test
with Temperature Probe in Liquid
Curtis Bennett March 24, 2019
March 24, 2019, 7:50 am Eastern Time

Professor Curtis Bennett: 'Dr. Ronald Lynch, It is disgraceful that science professionals or administrations at any level got technically overwhelmed by potatoes and a plastic head. Had early sailors used this for navigation, they would have fallen of the end of the flat earth. This is why science professionals shouldn't talk over their expertise. It embarrasses me to address UC Berkeley like this but it is my job.'
Curtis Bennett: March 25, 2019, 3:42 pm Eastern Time

March 25, 2019, 3:42 pm Eastern Time

Professor Curtis Bennett:

'It is a sad reality when causal evidence is now verified and the potatoes get to be accountable. In upcoming legal proceedings in BC, FortisBC will have to defend the plastic head and potato.

It is disgraceful that a pregnant woman on the flight doesn't know she and the baby are in the flying microwave oven. It is indefensible. All the FCC, utilities and governments have to take to court is a plastic head.'


Former Professor Curtis Bennett

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