Submission For Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on
RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion Making the
Power Plants Non Compliant With Building Codes

The damage to nuclear facilities is measurable by the second and the RF
EMFs are expanding and collapsing inside buildings billions of times per
second 86,400 times a day.
~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett

September 29, 2015 at 11:06 am Eastern Time
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission On Granting Ontario Power Generation
13 Year License For Darlington Nuclear Power Plant
My submission – Public Hearing Ref. 2015-H-04.
Dear Commissioners:
It is with all the required professional humility that I write and insist that the CNSC reject Ontario Power Generation's application to operate the Darlington nuclear station. That extends to any consideration to rebuild or extend the lives of the Darlington reactors. The science and information shared with the commission also need to be incorporated into other existing nuclear power facilities
While I am not applying for a job, it is important I summarize my credentials specific to energy provision. I am one of the Canadian Government's certified energy professionals and not a lobbyist or associated with special interests of any kind. 100% of our work is specific to your mandate.
To clarify my recognized expertise, the Governments across Canada with Industry Canada trained and certified ONE profession for the utilization of electrical energy across the country. There is a defined physical point where utility's electrical generation and distribution ends and utilization starts. It doesn't matter what industry you work in, which hospital, university, Microsoft, manufacturing, auto industry, oilfields, utilities including power generation, development, etc, qualified electricians design, construct, install, troubleshoot and maintain those electrical systems. When there is a power failure, electricians are the qualified professionals, Electrical Engineers are not qualified to do this work. It is electricians that do the work related to those engineered standards. We are governed by Canadian Electrical Code and calculate energy requirements with that code. There are no circumstances where we have personal opinions and get creative electrically. The Canadian Electrical Code is published by the Canadian Standards Association(CSA). CSA is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, a crown corporation which promotes efficient and effective standardization in Canada. This accreditation verifies that CSA is competent to carry out standards development and certification functions, and is based on internationally recognized criteria and procedures.
As well as an Interprovincial Red Seal Journeyman Electrician I have another credential as a Building Construction Engineering Technologist from NAIT which is all aspects of construction from contracts to completion. That education has a common background with all engineering disciplines before choosing a field to specialize in. Buildings use and lose energy as it relates to building performance.
As a Thermal Radiation Consultant of 35 years for industries across the board, our consulting saved 100s of billions of dollars providing a visual of energy(temperature) to isolate problems before explosions or failure. The problems are verified and fixed by the industry's professionals. Temperature for us starts at -273 deg. C and there are no such things as Non Thermal effects, it is all thermal. Energy use, losses and temperature can be seen. Syncrude, Suncor, Esso, Dow Chemical, manufacturing, utilities, power plants, mines, mills, etc as well as their insurers. Petro Canada retained us to monitor one refractory lined vessel for a year so they could maximize production before shutting the vessel down for required maintenance.
100% of what we do on the planet has a domino effect into health, our bodies and ecosystems. As an Adjunct Professor, I am faculty for a group of 14,000 licensed health professionals putting on accredited medical education programs applicable to millions of health professionals for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. It is applicable across Canada as well as the United States and expanding.
With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response 100% of the time that can be seen. Lack of sight and insurance fraud costs billions. Our work with Professor and MD Ronald Lynch's work, education providing sight of the early detection or breast cancers, difficult diagnosis using non invasive radiology will save billions of dollars in health costs. His work on accelerated wound healing, increasing nerve conduction, increasing nerve conduction, regrowing nerve related to Diabetic Neuropathy, the VA, etc will save billions more on health costs as well as toes, feet, legs and life, This isn't competing with medical objectives, it is completing them. The young girl with breast cancer was 4 years old and she isn't of mammogram age for decades.
In 1991 the City of Edmonton retained us to consult at Operation Levels to qualify, substantiate and initiate the implementation of their Infrared Program. It gives them unobstructed sight through smoke where otherwise they were blind. It saves lives, resources, prohibits rekindles and is invaluable in Fire Investigation. In 2003 as another example, Kelowna, BC had a Category 6 Forest Fire interface with the city. Jurisdictional challenges and fighting the fires blind prohibited participation in giving Fire Command sight through the smoke as well as tracking the direction of the fire giving lead time. August 21, 2003 the valley was smoked in and stopping a patrolling RCMP showing them the fire through the smoke initiated the evacuation of 15,000. On August 22, 2003 our team imaged Kelowna homes burning through the smoke. Here is the reporting of local media with the time stamped images and radio dispatches confirming Forestry and KFD were blind through the smoke.
You would never know with the deregulation of building construction that buildings, their energy use and associated emissions are designed for specific temperatures. Those temperatures are provided to building code by Environment Canada's Meteorological Services. Compliance with building code is a requirement to get financed, insured and occupying. If a building isn't code compliant remedies have to be taken to make it compliant. Lenders, insurers and home owners want their investment protected. The limitations of building code is that buildings have been signed off as compliant with everyone accepting responsibility but it is never verified.
The reason Environment Canada contributes to building code is because of all the different regions and their seasonal climate extremes. The arctic is different than a warmer climate. The code rule across Canada unless amended is 1.1.3.(Climatic & Seismic Data). In Kelowna the minimum design temperature is -20 deg. C to simulate the coldest time of the year and 33 deg. C to simulate the warmest time of the year. The building is designed and insulated for these temperature extremes. The HVAC systems and energy use or losses are designed with Climatic Data.
The Appendix of Building Code warns of the significance of solar radiation(EMF), the same sun that burns our skin. Solar interaction with absorbent exterior finishes causes the building to generate heat exceeding code. That causes problems with the building as well as heats the atmosphere.
We imaged buildings in 7 provinces and 26 states specific to solar interaction with development. It was alarming to verify Urban Heat Islands were urban heat generators first. Important for the reader is our job is to report to and through governments first. Here is a letter with accurate infrared imaging showing solar EMF interaction. Previous attempts before this dated letter failed to get a response from applicable governments. You will see buildings grossly exceeding Building Code and 38 deg. C warmer than temperature reported by the weather station at 8:18 A.M. You will see Kettle Valley buildings in the afternoon 86 deg. C on a 23 deg. C day. Millions of buildings across Canada are grossly exceeding Building Code 1.1.3. and not code compliant.
These problems can be addressed creating millions of tax paying jobs globally. It would knock trillions of watts of wasted electrical energy off the grids immediately, saving the non renewable resources as well. Unfortunately due to the energy and emergency associated with climate change, governments have allowed utilities and industries to bypass regulatory process to install wireless smart meters. Despite warnings from government and industry certified professionals about mass deployment of wireless smart meters, governments allowed mass deployment responding to symptoms which will not save 1 watt of energy.
As a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC application for wireless smart meters, FortisBC used the government's lack of response to me to dismiss the dangers and liabilities with wireless smart meters. Here is evidence of the BC Government in legal proceedings supporting suspension of FortisBC's smart meter application. The BC Government and Prime Minister Harper need to qualify how a human exposure code was used to bypass building codes and all applicable sciences associated with the blanket radiation of ecosystems.
FortisBC in their ignorance and arrogance didn't substantiate the safety of smart meters, they dismissed everyone and applicable codes while admitting blanket radiation of 17,000 sq. kms. Here is a response to FortisBC's negligent reporting on the safety of smart meters. This is evidence and transcripts of the BC Government with experts under oath admitting critically important science was missing in their Risk Assessment. It contains real meter base connection problems associated with the millions of meters installed across Canada and globally by people not qualified to touch electrical. Ontario as an example has 4.8 million compromised buildings that require re-inspection because of the real danger. Further to that buildings in the RF EMF coverage areas are not compliant with Building Code Rule That pulls millions of buildings off the real estate market and the loss of tax revenues as well as associated economy. Governments and Industries are speaking of Nuclear Power Plants but that can no longer be a consideration and isn't needed. Building engineering has changed and the power plant would have to be an MRI Chamber to stop the accelerated corrosion of the power plant.
The Auditor General of Ontario has reported no savings with smart meters and the Auditor General of Australia has reported their 2 billion dollar expenditure on smart meters saved no energy.
If Mr. Harper had reported to Australia they were reacting to the symptoms of solar EMF exposure wasting massive energy, Australia could fix it, create lots of jobs, knock the waste off the grid and exceed emission reduction targets immediately.
Not only do I look forward to answering questions, it is critically important the commission hold me accountable. This can not be dismissed and has to be technically disqualified which won't happen. There is no margin of error.
The damage to nuclear facilities is measurable by the second and the RF EMFs are expanding and collapsing inside buildings billions of times per second 86,400 times a day.
Curtis Bennett
Chief Science Officer
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Engineering Technologist
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 35 Years
Copyright © 2015 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.
Responding Submission
Re: My submission - Public Hearing Ref. 2015-H-04.
[Page] CNSC Related
Comments in Facebook Event:
"Risking Toronto & the Environment:
the Darlington Nuclear Station"

Dianne Knight,
16 September, 2015 at 10:50 AM Eastern Time:
"We have the way to Shut them Down":
Dianne Knight, 16 September 2015 at 10:52 AM Eastern Time:
5th Anniversary of Reporting of Critical Error or Omission
in Health Canada's
Safety Code 6 on Wi Fi or RF
Monday, September 14, 2015
Dianne Knight, 16 September 2015 at 10:55 AM Eastern Time:
"RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion of Power Plants, Buildings & Infrastructure"

'Submission For Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission onRF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion Making thePower Plants Non...
Posted by Dianne Knight on Tuesday, 29 September 2015

WiFi is one of many sources of wireless Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation that is contributing to the damage to nuclear facilities, including the BWXT Nuclear Energy Canada Inc manufacturing nuclear fuel bundles at 1025 Lansdowne Avenue, Toronto
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 4, 2022
'The damage to nuclear facilities is measurable by the second and the RF EMFs are expanding and collapsing inside buildings billions of times per second 86,400 times a day.'
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 4, 2022
~ Professor Curtis Bennett @RealThermoguy #cdnpoli #onpoli #topoli
Relationship of Pandemic to Radio Frequency Microwaves EMFs [cell phone & #Wireless service]
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) September 8, 2021
"Can they tie the pandemic to EMFs? Yes, 100%." ~ Professor Curtis Bennett @RealThermoguy #RF #EMF #RadioFrequency #WiFi #Microwaves #bioeffects #cdnpoli #elxn43
EVERYthing in existence is atoms and molecules, electrical. EMFs can have a profound effect depending what they interact with? We aren't electrically compatible 440 nuclear power plants global
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) December 27, 2017
Humans and EMFs as applied = Extinction of species, we are one
The EMFs bounce off some metal. EMFs R illegal now making your building non compliant with Building Codes. FCC, IEEE, Utilities, wireless can not supersede Building Code, CEC, CSA or municipal jurisdiction. EMFs illegal as applied and extremely dangerous. Radiation cothing works
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) December 24, 2017
CNSC RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion Making Power Plants Non Compliant w Building Codes
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) September 29, 2015

Wireless phone is being used inside a nuclear control room.
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