Ombudsperson Province of British Columbia

Complaint to the Office of the Ombudsperson - DONOTREPLY

There is zero allowable induced or contact current. Current can kill and it is electrocution.
There is zero allowable induced or contact current. Current can kill and it is electrocution.
Exclusive Quotation

The BC Ombudsman has responded to my complaint, regarding
'Immediate Reconsideration Of FortisBC Project 3698682' 
and is awaiting assessment by their
Intake and Early Resolution staff. 

My complaint has to do with wireless radiation
that will kill the planet and we are the law.

~ Curtis Bennett
May 24, 2024

From: ComplaintStatus
Fri, May 24, 2024 at 2:13 PM
Your complaint to the BC Ombudsperson is currently awaiting assessment by our Intake and Early Resolution staff. We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through a high volume of submissions.

In the meantime, to ensure we can serve you better, we encourage you to do the following: 

1.      Check to make sure your complaint is within our jurisdiction to investigate. There are some public bodies we cannot investigate such as the Federal Government, RCMP/police, private companies, banks and more. Please check our website to confirm that your complaint falls under our office’s jurisdiction. 

2.   Make sure you have tried to raise your concern with the organization involved before you come to us. Our online Complaint Checker provides information about where to take complaints about many organizations and tips on how to effectively raise your concerns. 

3.   If your situation has changed and you no longer require our services, or if your complaint has become urgent, please call us at 1.800.567.3247. Our phone lines are staffed between 8:30 and 4:30, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays). Interpreter and TTY services are available. 

One of our Early Resolution Officers will be in touch with you once your complaint has been assessed. 

Thank you.

Office of the BC Ombudsperson

* This automated email is for information purposes only – please do not reply, as this       email address is not monitored.

Related File

Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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