Criteria For Reversing Wireless Smart Meters (BCUC) Reconsideration, Criteria For Reversing FortisBC’s Application For Wireless Smart Meters

The only thing compatible with those microwaves are wireless, hence the importance of this document.
It is legal proceedings and I am a registered intervener
for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens.
~ Curtis Bennett
It is legal proceedings and I am a registered intervener
for the West Kootenay Concerned Citizens.
By Curtis Bennett

October 25, 2021
The Specific Absorption Rate test for the limits of human exposure to RF EMFs is absolutely scientifically baseless. Had early sailors used this flat earth science for navigation, they would have fallen off the end of the ocean.
It is specifically causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects admitted to be missing in Health Canada’s Safety Code 6(2009). The health reporting is undeniable and despite tens of thousands of documents, causal evidence wasn’t known and mechanisms couldn’t be explained.
Hard wiring 30 computer stations in a classroom costs 10s of 1000s to construct and wire. Today, one Wi-Fi Router can radiate more than one classroom with these highly penetrating RF EMFs for wireless laptops or other devices. The school districts assume they saved millions in construction costs instead of the 100s of millions of dollars in liability and costs for putting children, students, teachers, support staff, buildings, infrastructure, etc inside a man made microwave oven.
All girls are born will all their eggs, Dr. Orr radiated chicken eggs for 4 hours a day and they hatch in 21 days. The chicks were mutated. Questions for lawyers include, “what is the right to reproduce worth in a lawsuit?” When you go to school, you are graded and advance based on your intelligence. What is interfering with the nervous, hormonal and immune system, cancers, seizures, etc of students worth in a lawsuit ? Young children are being misdiagnosed and medicated because they are acting out in school as well as home. What is that worth in a lawsuit and what about criminal liability.
BC Hydro mass installed 1.8 million meters severely compromising buildings as well as occupants. Those 1.8 million building will no longer comply with Building Code. BC Hydro will have liability for the buildings as well as occupants costing 100s of billions of dollars.
FortisBC admitted they will cover 17,000 sq. km. That is a 6564 sq. mile man made microwave oven. The liability to a publicly traded company for injuring millions as well as building costs will be expensive, insurers will not pay out on EMF health or property damage.
BC Hydro and FortisBC have serious problems for exceeding their jurisdiction. Here is one example. When did FortisBC and BC Hydro purchase part of each building in their jurisdictions? The meter base belongs to the building owner and the utility can not trespass to work on the meter base. Here is a picture from our electrical trade’s certification showing the electrical connection that defines jurisdiction for utility and electrician.

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