Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett Interviewed By Interoccupy Group and EMF Harm International
August 20, 2015

'Legality of the EMFs'
Audio Interview (1:42:04 min.)
It is critically important people
listen to the interview that is applicable to everyone without
exception. There is no other agenda than to represent the science used
and science missed plus the complexity of blanket Electromagnetic
Radiation. EMFs are an electrical interaction first before they hit
something. As Government Certified Electrical Professionals we use 60 Hz
EMFs for generation and utilization of electricity. RF EMFs are EMFs
used for Radio Frequency Communication but it is still an electrical
circuit except it isn’t insulated and everything hit by the RF EMFs is
being used for the conductor.
~ Curtis Bennett

Interoccupy Group and EMF Harm International
Agenda- 8/20/15 – Guest Curtis Bennett will talk about how EMFs are incredibly dangerous as applied, including raging forest fires, and an assault on everything on the planet.
Curtis says, "This is ramping up and we are dealing with the legality of the EMFs. Frank Clegg the former President of Microsoft Canada said the Burden of Proof linking the frequencies to adverse health effects would cost millions.
We already spent the millions and 10,000 hours to substantiate the Burden of Proof. That has been lectured for CME credits and is now medical education recognized in every state and every province now.
"We will be talking about the fires raging in Calif, and will see how we are substantiating causation linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects. Curtis will be sharing information and letters sent as Auditors and Attorney Generals jump in.
Curtis says industry and government told no one what they are doing.
Texas groups are working with Curtis about how smart meters as one wireless technology is illegal as applied.
100% of what we are doing is in the best interests of all or we will kill the economy and degrees will no longer be applicable(even for Architects)."
Resources for this Call
Medical Education Letter 2013 02 14

Wireless Exposure & Specific Absorption Rate Simplified

Curtis Bennett: 'Here is the picture of the specific absorption rate, the test adopted by Health Canada and the FCC. This is the science used to keep you safe and you will see how important information was missed that links the frequencies to adverse health effects.'
Sam Phantom Models and the Specific Absorption Rate
The Sam Phantom Models are used for the Specific Absorption Rate adopted by international governing bodies for the limits of human exposure to RF EMFs. As you will see, the SAR test adopted by Health Canada, FCC and other governing bodies does not reflect the safety of wireless technologies. The SAR did not incorporate the antennas, routers or wireless infrastructure EMFs hitting people from head to toe. The SAR test refers to biology but the bio-electrical information and vulnerability of humans isn’t in their data. They only considered water molecules heating like a cup in a microwave.
Presentation for Kelowna Safe Meters on Electrical Causation linking
RF EMFs to adverse health effects,
by Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett
April 21, 2015
The best video to explain facts, including: "...Inducing currents means you are increasing cellular voltage where .2 millionths of 1 volt changes White Blood Cells, .4 millionths of 1 volt changes behavior...." as taught by Curtis Bennett.
Buildings that do not have Air Conditioning, in Greece
Q. Where is there an example country with buildings that do not have Air Conditioning?
A. Search for images with: “Greece white washed buildings”
Safety Code 6: Wi Fi, Cell Phones and Radio Frequencies Causing Nerve & Muscle Depolarization
'...Safety Code 6 uses the same science standards as the FCC and other international bodies....'

'...There was an error reported in Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 when they compared radio frequency emfs with humans but didn’t provide that humans have their own frequency or the fact they would be unprotected electrical systems in that application....'
'...Safety Code 6 under Maximum Exposure states the health effects to be avoided are the unintentional stimulation of tissue at lower radio frequencies and the heat effect is to be avoided at higher frequencies. Safety Code 6 says experimental studies have shown induced currents or excitation caused nerve and muscle depolarization.
Safety Code 6 refers to the science missing on proving whether radio frequencies are the cause of adverse health effects. The oversight I refer to will allow Health Canada to know causality, biologic plausibility and reproducibility...''
Fireball shoots into Mo. sky after pipeline explodes
November 29, 2013
A natural gas pipeline exploded in in Sedalia, Mo., just after midnight on Black Friday, sending flames roaring into the sky. No one was injured or killed in the incident.
Smart Meters Not Addressing Climate Change or Saving Energy

"...100% of the smart meter program is a waste and they will not save 1 watt of energy...." ~ Curtis Bennett
RGJ Investigates: Nevada to launch smart meter inquiry
September 23, 2014 at 10:48 a.m. PDT
A burned smart meter is seen on a home in Reno.
Photo: Photo: Reno Fire Department
'RGJ Investigates: Nevada to launch smart meter inquiry' 'The request for information comes after the Reno and Sparks fire chiefs raised the alarm on a series of fires they say are linked to smart meters in their cities, including the most recent blaze that killed a 61-year-old Reno woman.'
RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion of Power Plants, Buildings & Infrastructure
Smart Grid Stimulating Nerves, Killing Biology, Radiating Buildings, Infrastructure & Providing Excuse for Criminal Behaviour
by Curtis Bennett
October 26, 2012

'Legality of the EMFs', Interoccupy Group and EMF Harm International,August 20, 2015, Adjunct Professor Curtis...
Posted by Dianne Knight on Saturday, 29 August 2015

'Legality of the EMFs' ~ Adjunct Prof.Curtis Bennett interview by InterOccupy & EMF Harm Int'l
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) August 29, 2015
Adjunct Prof. Curtis Bennett interview: science & complexity blanket Electromagnetic Radiation
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) August 25, 2015

@DianneKnight @RealThermoguy @ThomasMulcair @PeggyNashNDP @CheriDiNovo @NDP_Comm @NDP_HQ @tcndp @NLNDPCaucus @ynd_jnd @ndp_blogs @EASaskNDP
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) August 25, 2015
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