Ebola Can Be Seen With Non Invasive Imaging

Progression of infection or effective treatment can be seen.
While Canada is reporting the earlier Ebola can be diagnosed the better, MP Ron Cannan responded yesterday after 5 weeks Prime Minister Harper isn't interested in providing medicine sight of their objectives and we were dismissed without dialogue.
~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett

October 1, 2014
There are all kinds of challenges associated with dealing with Ebola or other infectious diseases. With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response but overall medicine and academia is literally blind to temperature.
Although thermal imaging has been used to varying degrees for decades, it has not been represented for what it really is because some imaging applications exceed expertise. Between 2003 with SARS and H1N1, infrared equipment manufacturers or consultants imaged 100s of millions of people at ports of entry but couldn’t produce 1 image of a flu. Successful imaging requires proper equipment, qualified applications and interpretation by applicable professionals.
Our technical support and equipment manufacturer is critically important to our success. In the SARS application in 2003, we jointly provided a bid for Canada imaging flu symptoms at ports of entry. Our bid was dismissed by Public Works for equipment manufacturers offering discounted services for future contracts. They failed so miserably that people were pulled off planes with flu symptoms and they still couldn’t produce 1 image. That required reporting through media the imaging application exceeded their expertise. Media on SARS Screening at Airports
Arrangements were made to meet with Health Canada in Vancouver where we showed an image of a flu and qualified why equipment manufacturers failed. Our advanced imaging applications are lectured in medical education for continuing medical education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. Progression of infection or effective treatment can be seen, even in quarantine. Here is basic imaging of progression of infection.

Curtis Bennett commented on an article.
Ebola, progression of infection or effective treatment can be seen with non invasive imaging. It is alarming to report this to PM Harper through MP Cannan and get a dismissive response without asking to see imaging. Minister Ambrose reports the earlier the diagnosis the better but medicine couldn't see inflammation.

Curtis Bennett
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 16:10 PM Eastern Time
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 16:10 PM Eastern Time
President Obama reported on September 25, 2014 that Ebola was not in the US but an international emergency. Five days later, Ebola is in Dallas.
Should we be concerned? The short answer is YES because medicine working on this is literally blind to inflammation or progression of infection. That said, Ebola can be seen and the ability to see inflammation, progression of infection or effective treatment is lectured in medical education for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. Here are thermal radiation images showing progression of infection in 24 hours with a Brown Recluse spider bite.
Canada announces 30 million for Ebola but doesn't represent to the United Nations that Ebola can be seen with non invasive thermal radiation imaging. August 18, 2014 we sent an email to our Member of Parliament Ron Cannan specific to sight being available but no response in 5 weeks.http://thermoguy.com/ebola-can-be-seen-with-non-invasive-thermal-radiation-imaging/
With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response and inflammation can be seen and the imaging application is lectured in medical education for continuing education credits. Progression of infection or effective treatment and physiological changes can be seen.
Go to http://thermoguy.com/medical/ and see basic imaging of difficult diagnosis, physiological changes as well as assisting in the early detection of breast cancer.

Curtis Bennett
Saturday, October 4, 2014 00:22 AM Eastern Time
Saturday, October 4, 2014 00:22 AM Eastern Time
Ebola needs to be addressed without political interference or we will reap what we have sown. Policy is based on science, not the other way around. We are a land of laws, codes and standards. Government and industry train and certify professionals to maintain those standards.
Our jobs as science professionals ensuring standards are always to report to our authority having jurisdiction. We never blind side the government and have jobs that are bigger than ourselves.
Six weeks ago I contacted Member of Parliament Ron Cannan as our federal representative because I am reporting in my professional capacity. When it comes to Ebola and early diagnosis, I am Adjunct Faculty in accredited Continuing Medical Education programs. The Integrative Health Forum (IHF) and Global Education Development Institute produced the most advanced Energy Medicine education in the world. With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response and medicine is challenged by not being able to see it. The world is literally blind to temperature.
The education programs above educate and demonstrate the most advanced Thermal Radiation Imaging in the world. Inflammation can be seen live using non invasive radiology and isolated giving medicine sight of their objectives. MP Cannan and Health Canada didn't share those capabilities with provinces or countries when Canada is the source. It is accredited medical education now.
Health Canada's Minister Ambrose reports through media early diagnosis is important yet denies provinces accredited medical education specific to early diagnosis. Medical professionals need to see inflammation or infection live and immediate in front of the patient.
Curtis Bennett Comment
Saturday, October 4, 2014 00:22 AM Eastern Time


informed. You are such a valued member of our faculty.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 12:14 PM Eastern Time
Editor's Note:
The `Integrative Health Forum (IHF)' group as been closed.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014 13:49 Eastern Time

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— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 1, 2014
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— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 1, 2014
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— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) October 1, 2014

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