Victoria School District 61
Att: Wi Fi Committee
Error or Omission In Health Canada's
Safety Code 6

By Curtis Bennett

February 8, 2011
Since the reported error or omission in safety standards was reported to Health Canada, the laws have changed and Wi Fi is illegal in schools according to Safety Code 6. Safety
Code 6 says excitation of tissue is to be avoided but the reality is
tissue is excited with RF interaction with humans. Safety Code 6 says
heating of tissue is to be avoided but tissue is being heated.
~ Curtis Bennett
~ Curtis Bennett

[PDF] Victoria SD 61 on Wi Fi
Editor's Note

Dianne Knight to Gerard Kennedy, MP, February 14, 2011

RF EMFs are illegal as applied, cell phones are carcinogenic. Google uses balloons @ 59,500 ft 4 WiFi in Puerto Rico. Radiates population causing permanent health problems for communication. RF oscillate billions of times per sec. Heats atmosphere contributes to hurricanes cause.
— Professor Curtis Bennett (@RealThermoguy) December 10, 2017
@DianneKnight @TorontoStar @RealThermoguy @ThomasMulcair @EASaskNDP @PeggyNashNDP @NDP_Comm @NDP_HQ @tcndp @ynd_jnd
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) September 4, 2015

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