Ex Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Admin Allows Mass Installation of Wireless Smart Meters, Wi-Fi While Health Canada Revises Health Canada’s Safety Code 6(2009), Okanagan MP Stephen Fuhr, Smart Meters and Prime Minister Trudeau Failure to Share Advanced Climate Change Science Denied G-7 Partners MILLIONS of immediate tax paying jobs


By Curtis Bennett


October 17, 2019

Ex Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Okanagan MP Stephen Fuhr, Prime Minister Trudeau
Stephen Fuhr: Ready to Serve Again!

Re: Okanagan MP Stephen Fuhr and Prime Minister Trudeau Failure to Share Advanced Climate Change Science Denied G-7 Partners MILLIONS of immediate tax paying jobs

MP Stephen Fuhr,

When you started your first term 4 years ago, I contacted you specific to the millions of immediate tax paying jobs that would be created globally addressing real cause of man made global warming. The UN Climate Change Conference was happening and it was critically important Canada take forward missing science on global warming the whole world was looking for. The UN Members committed over half a trillion dollars to address man made global warming. It is specifically Canadian energy professionals that found missing cause of man made global warming causing climate change making Canada the source of what the UN was looking for.

That can be qualified with my quadruple science background that includes radiation, electrical energy provision, emissions, building engineering, construction from contracts to completion and international accredited medical education. I was looking forward to dealing with an MP that understood chain of command and reporting to and through that authority. That is what our job involves, reporting through different government jurisdictions. We represent the banks, economy, sustainability, the tax base as well as all codes and standards. Science doesn't allow for a personal opinion and sciences can not be politicized.  You should be able to understand we do not have codes and standards to accommodate different political parties or their agendas. I would bet a dollar you didn't have different squadrons in the air force to accommodate Progressive Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Green Party or Independent pilots. The Deputy Prime Minister of Canada spoke at one of my post secondary graduations reminding us as technical and engineering professionals to do our job. That job includes reporting to and through different levels of government for due process to get done.  

Former MP Ron Cannan used to sell my company's advertising before his political career but he didn't do his job as our elected official. Towing the party line with former PM Stephen Harper may have seemed like a good idea politically; unfortunately they undermined the jurisdictions and country they were elected to represent.

What does every country in the world have in common when it comes to temperature? They are all literally blind to temperature, we measure or calculate important temperature criteria. While weather stations provide critically important information, they do not reflect what mankind's interaction on the planet has created. The natural resource and energy waste reacting to symptoms produce MASSIVE GHG emissions while the real cause of man made global warming is super heating the atmosphere all countries share. That super heating of the atmosphere has continued throughout your first term and has been further compromised by solutions that have been implemented. That has created an unprecedented global emergency impacting every country without exception. Once heat is generated atmospherically, it can not be destroyed and literally everything on the planet is temperature sensitive. Here is the link to the email sent to you dated November 12, 2015 at 2:02 PM and no response to date. Follow all links.


MP Stephen Fuhr and Prime Minister Trudeau Regarding Missing Science for UN Climate Change Conference November 12, 2015

I contacted your office this year looking for an appointment to meet with you and haven't received an acknowledgement or reply of any kind.  I don't know what got lost in translation in my attempts to communicate with my Member of Parliament, the reason you ran for office was to represent the Okanagan.  Had PM Trudeau shared this with the G-7 Summit(2019), every country would have been allowed the same job creation of jobs in the millions but also reduced GHG emissions without touching power generating stations. President Trump equates emission reduction to economic loss instead of the sustainable trillion dollar gain globally that can be qualified. Millions of tax paying jobs are available immediately to the United States with Canada benefiting in many ways.

PM Trudeau has stated it was his duty and job to protect those 9000 jobs at SNC Lavalin in Quebec. Millions of immediate jobs globally and associated economy of 100s of billions of dollars is Trudeau's duty as well and his administration collectively failed. PM Trudeau's response has been a tax when it is his administration specifically that denied the provinces science advancements where emissions could be reduced immediately without touching power generating stations.  Provinces and countries could have exceeded GHG emission expectations removing unrealized electrical load off electrical grids immediately.

All new and existing buildings must comply with Building Code or there would be no sales, mortgage, insurance, associated economy and loss of tax base funding government as well as services. Buildings are an engineered product with design functions and not a hobby or economy for unqualified people. Climatic Data is provided through codes so we build within seasonal regional temperature extremes and do not waste energy or impose on the atmosphere. Your background as a pilot implies you have a technical background and I shouldn't have to wait 4 years to hear from my MP on an issue related to the UN Climate Change Conference when I am one of the governments and Industry Canada's credentialed experts. I want to clarify my electrical credential alone is recognized across Canada. Provinces and the Government of Canada trained as well as certified one profession for the utilization of ALL electricity in Canada. That is credentialed electricians making us the utilities and Public Utilities Commission's(PUC) recognized professionals. Electrical Engineers design electrical systems and electricians construct as well as maintain to those engineered standards. Electrical energy demand and usage are specific to emissions.

My basic background includes moving to the Okanagan in 1992 during tough economic times across British Columbia. I built an award winning company from the ground up and the results were millions of dollars into the economy with 100s of jobs created in BC. That is separate of other work isolating cause of man made global warming or advancing accredited medical education globally. In 2005, Mayor Water Gray and City of Kelowna had an invitation only local experts to attend the Sustainable Building Pilot Project.

City of Kelowna Sustainable Building Pilot Project

I was referred by council member Sharon Shepherd due to my presentation for the Filmon Fire Inquiry which included showing buildings exceeding BC Building Code contributing to the severity of forest fires. August 21, 2003 I led our team and initiated the evacuation of 15,000 in Kettle Valley when the forest fire interfaced with Kelowna. Jurisdictional conflicts prohibited our team from giving BC Forestry, fire departments and military unobstructed sight through smoke. Unfortunately that embarrassed Premier Gordon Campbell's office and my presentation for the public fire Inquiry was edited out of the inquiry. Premier Campbell's Office specifically told me this public inquiry was not accepting images, it was based on audio only and the audio came unplugged when I was presenting for the inquiry. August 22, 2003 Premier Campbell and entourage were doing media with CTV on Gyro Beach. We were imaging the fire through the smoke as buildings burned in Kettle Valley. Premier Campbell and entourage including Rich Coleman came over the see the buildings burning through the smoke while fire crews were blind. Local reporter Marshall Jones asked if he could use time stamped images taken that day and here is his reporting confirming forest fires were being fought blind. http://thermoguy.com/shes-mighty-ugly-out-here/ Here are very basic images taken August 21, 2003. https://youtu.be/qvLa8kkXLzg

BC 2003 Forest Fire Public Inquiry Edited -
California, Alberta, BC, etc. Fighting Fires Blind in 2019

Here is a link to the Strait's article on the edited inquiry.

The sad reality is Fort Mac, Slave Lake, California, BC, etc. all fought forest fires blind when tracking fires through the smoke giving lead time is simple using non invasive radiology. None of the people in California had to die in those fires or the mud slides afterward. The forests are the lungs of the planet and smoke kills millions every year. Last year BC was reporting over a million hectares burned as they fought their fires blind through the smoke when thermal gradients can be tracked through smoke very easily.

As a Canadian and a patriot, do we bring job creation to Canada through Russia, China or other countries where they are the primary benefactors? 100s of billions of watts per hour could be knocked off their electrical grids immediately without touching the power generation stations. It was reported to be a global consensus by scientists that a 2 deg. C rise in atmospheric temperature would be globally catastrophic. Planet Earth shares one atmosphere and hot energy always transfers to cold. A man made source of atmospheric heat has to be warmer than 2 deg. C. Climatic Data in Building Code shows the regional temperature extremes seasonally and warns of the significance of solar radiation.(same sun that burns skin) That is why buildings are whitewashed on the exterior of buildings or shaded. White washed buildings reflect solar radiation, dark or absorbent exterior finishes with no shade allows solar EMFs to interact with the exterior causing excitation super heating the atmosphere. Here are 2 time-lapsed infrared videos showing solar EMFs interacting with buildings right after sunrise as well as a video from inside the building. Do you see temperature increases greater than 2 deg. C? https://youtu.be/EA3py3us5VM

Solar EMFs Impact on Exposed Buildings or Ground

With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response 100% of the time. Medical professionals were and are typically blind to that inflammation which includes isolating the source of the injury. Brain injuries or concussions as an example is reported to cost sport's teams billions of dollars separate of the costs to the athletes or their families. That can now be seen using non invasive radiology. This information was sent to you previously as well as the Health Minister. It got lost in translation with the assumption we were trying to get a device tested by Health Canada. Infrared is on the electromagnetic spectrum and you used it as a pilot. There are ZERO emissions, IR is seeing heat emitted from different materials.

This is one example showing progression of infection using non invasive radiology.

It is a shocking set of images and
thank goodness for non invasive radiology.

~ Curtis Bennett

Progression of Infection in 24 Hours
With Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Progression of Infection in 24 Hours With Brown Recluse Spider Bite
Here is a direct result of MP Fuhr and PM Trudeau's administration not doing their job at the beginning of their first term in office. The imaging above took minutes, the cost to the family, girl and hospital didn't have to happen.

Mississauga girl loses 2 limbs after infection
doctors thought was influenza

Ex PM Harper undermined Trudeau's administration more than is understood and it requires immediate attention. Harper's administration allowed the mass installation of wireless technologies without understanding the ramifications or the missing science. Here is a picture of the entire science used by the wireless industry to substantiate safety and to bypass all codes, standards and jurisdictions. Whether cell phones, Wi-Fi in schools or smart meters, this is the entire science on safety while Health Canada's Safety Code 6(2009) admitted missing critical science.
Sam Phantom Model "Plastic Head"
It was our team that reported the errors and omissions in Safety Code 6 through all levels of government jurisdictions September 14, 2010. October 28, 2010 I provided expert witness at the request of Canadian Parliaments Standing Committee on Health at their requesthttps://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/40-3/HESA/meeting-34/evidence#Int-3433326  The report of Canadian Parliaments Standing Committee on Health told Health Canada to thoroughly investigate specific to my credentials.
January, 2011 the causal evidence linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was lectured for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That medical education was applicable to ALL health professionals in the United States and Canada for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That means this is no longer a debate.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Energy Medicine, January 8 & 9, 2011

January, 2011
Energy Medicine Faculty Members, September 25, 2012
Energy Medicine Faculty Members, September 25, 2012
Curtis Bennett, Peter Goldberg, Sharon Weinstein and the late beloved Anthony Bove

Here is a letter from health education administration associated with accredited medical education where medical professionals require ongoing education credits for medical licensing. Medical education has advanced across Canada giving medical professionals sight of their objectives. It is critically important to contact health education admin. http://thermoguy.com/wp-content/uploads/Revised-Letter-From-Health-Education-Admin-2019.pdf

Letter from Health Education Administration
Associated with Accredited Medical Education

2019 07 15 IHF p1
2019 07 15 IHF p2
Revised Letter From Health Education Admin July 15, 2019
With regard to wireless smart meters, I was a registered intervener in FortisBC's application for smart meters. BC Hydro used the Clean Energy Act to bypass the BC Utilities Commission's application for smart meters. This is evidence of the BCUC.

Proceedings: 2012 DOC_32604_C19-6
WKCC Submission RDCK Nelson Creston Suspension

Proceedings: 2012 DOC_32604_C19-6_WKCC Submission RDCK Nelson Creston Suspension
Ex PM Harper has to account for his administration's radiation of Canada where buildings have burned, people have died and their negligence in revising Health Canada's Safety Code 6(2009). Here is my submission for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on RF EMFs(microwaves) creating a problem that will cause nuclear failure within borders. There was no qualified response.

Submission for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on RF EMFs(microwaves)

Submission for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on RF EMFs(microwaves)
It requires investigation how Safety Code 6(2009) was being revised during FortisBC's application for wireless smart meters. Health Canada retained the Royal Society of Canada(RSC) for that code revision and the corrupt revision of exposure guidelines allowed for children, babies and pregnant women to be effectively put in microwave ovens on low for 24/7. Here is evidence I provided for those hearings and it was deleted without representation.

Curtis Bennett Safety Code 6 Presentation to the
Royal Society of Canada

The RF EMFs as applied are not definable as sustainable under the Auditor General of Canada Act. FortisBC's smart meter program was rubber stamped except I was given the legal avenues to reverse FortisBC's smart meter application if I can prove the BCUC made an error in approving the application. All the plastic head people will be safe while people, pollinators and planet earth dies. The reconsideration of FortisBC's smart meter program will be filed tomorrow with a domino through every PUC globally. How long can you put a baby in the microwave for? The entire scope of medical diagnosis has changed putting medical professionals in positions of liability. The Environment Commissioner and Auditor General are not going to be laughing, neither will the Lt. Governor representing the monarch's investments in Canada. MP Fuhr, your own family and investments are at risk. Do your job.


Professor Curtis Bennett

Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,301 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 40 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694
”Bringing the Invisible to Light Since 1979”

Copyright © 2019 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett


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