Safety Code 6 Oversight Recommendations of
Standing Committee on Health

Safety Code 6 Oversight Recommendations of Standing Committee on Health

By Curtis Bennett

January 20, 2011

As I lectured in medicine, the oversight is an error or omission in safety standards and being reported as a national emergency. I am not discussing why the oversight happened; process can figure it out. Radiating populations for communications convenience will have a big cost and it isn't legal under the Auditor General's Sustainability Act.

~ Curtis Bennett

[Email from Curtis Bennett]
Wi Fi in Schools Violates Safety Code

Fri, 21 Jan 2011, 18:15

The dangers of wireless was just taught in medical education in the US where doctors get education credits they need for licensing. The oversight in Health Canada's Safety Code 6 was represented as well as the recommendations of the committee to investigated the oversight. That means it is medical education and science, not just an opinion. 
Health Canada is maintaining to provinces that Wi Fi is safe and that there isn't any peer reviewed science supporting it is dangerous. They are not reporting the error or omission in Safety Code 6 or the recommendations of the committee to investigate the significant oversight reported to the Standing Committee on Health.
That failure to report the error or omission provincially has health liabilities and costs to provinces. The reason the attachment was copied to IBEW is electrical professionals that should be installing in schools for safety and integrity of data. This is real economy to advance education and the construction industry has been bypassed for the convenience of radiating the entire school instead of pulling wires to computer stations.
Insurance companies are not going to pick up health costs and the law change gives lawyers information they need with the point being this isn't going to go away. I reported to HC as the authority and it is negligent for them to ignore the oversight. There will be a price politically because it reflects on a weak and incompetent administration whose ignorance impacts their own children.
As I lectured in medicine, the oversight is an error or omission in safety standards and being reported as a national emergency. I am not discussing why the oversight happened; process can figure it out. Radiating populations for communications convenience will have a big cost and it isn't legal under the Auditor General's Sustainability Act.
My involvement in this is as a government trained and certified professional reporting to my authority as a first response consultant. Congratulations to John McPhee for attending the medical program and being part of the academic program for the education on wireless technology interaction with humans. Now his knowledge has been lectured in medical education where doctors and other health professionals got education credits they need for licensing.
The medical program will be putting out a press release in the next few days and it will be passed on in support of your important work. School Boards and others can see the science supporting what you have stated for years. The law is on your side enabling lawyers to get more involved and don't forget this is radiating the environment as well. Everything in existence is made of atoms and molecules, emfs will affect all biology.
Curtis Bennett
Thermografix Consulting Corporation
Safety Code 6 Oversight Recommendations of Standing Committee on Health

Letter Cross-Posted

February 3, 2011

Former Professor Curtis Bennett

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