Texas CPS Energy Admits Overcharging Customers
With Smart Meters

The RF EMFs hitting you triggers nerves and induces currents
into you that is measured as a power density(watts).
~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett

Friday, September 25, 2015 at 9:58 am Pacific Time Zone
Texas electricity uses 60 Hz EMFs for the insulated known copper or aluminum conductors, RF EMFs are an uninsulated wireless circuit with everything hit by the RF EMFs as part of the conductor. People in Canada have complained about their bills and part of it might be because of the dirty circuit with buildings, infrastructure, people, ecosystems, trees, etc are poor conductors. A resistance in the circuit shows up as a load(watts).
Building Code warns of solar radiation(EMFs) causing buildings to exceed design temperature. The BC Government under Christy Clark speaks of global warming or climate change contributing to the extra 100s of millions of dollars fighting forest fires. California has droughts costing billions already and forest fires are out of control while they are fought blind. Weather severity across the world and the Pope is speaking to the US and UN about climate change. The UN Members have committed over half a trillion dollars to address climate change but the whole world is blind to temperature. Here is an accurate non invasive thermal radiation image of building development using the most advanced imaging applications in the world. This is lectured in accredited education.
Keep it simple; in order for there to be man made atmospheric warming, there needs to be a source of heat. The image was taken on an 85 deg. F day. Is there something warmer than 85 deg F? Some of the development is over 100 deg. F warmer than that and 212 deg. F is boiling temperature. Weather is the basic interaction of cold and warm air with water vapor. Heat the one atmosphere the world shares and it changes weather globally. We imaged buildings in 7 provinces and 26 states where this was happening in 100% of them including California. This development is in British Columbia where Premier Christy Clark lives. FortisBC is the energy provider and they have mass installed smart meters to stop what you see. The meters will not address one watt of energy or the heat and the reality is FortisBC is wasting 1 million watts per hour as well as associated natural resources responding to symptoms. 100% of this can be addressed, fixed and remove the million watts per hour off the grid immediately. These buildings are not compliant with Building Code Rule 1.1.3.(climatic & Seismic Data) They need to be brought back into compliance or they can NOT be bought or sold. These home owners of the 500 or 600,000 dollar buildings were not informed by the City of Kelowna, BC Government or Canadian Government.

Buildings Designed For Max of 92 F or 33 C
Kettle Valley in July 2012
Copyright © 2015 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

26 September 2015 at 09:35 Eastern Time
Marijan Galic: It's amazing how politely Utilities are trying to persuade us that WE THE PEOPLE are CRAZY.
26 September 2015 at 09:37 Eastern Time
Curtis Bennett: Marijan Galic, The Texas Rangers and others will be jumping in. Exposure codes admitting they were missing critical science should have found the missing science before deploying this weapon as applied. As a science professional I would NEVER move forward with science missing because as soon as it is found there will be a liability. Now these fools are in that position including the FCC, Health Canada, Politicians, IEEE, CTIA and the rest of them that participated. Billions has been spent and the fools are trying to protect their investment. When lawyers said these companies have 100s of billions of dollars, the response was the damage is in the trillions separate of the crime for putting people inside the microwave oven. Texans are proud, polite and ass kicking when required. San Antonio is where the Alamo is and horrificly they are under seige again from inside the state. The Texas PUC was warned as was the Texas Senate specific to the real liability. There was no other agenda. Texas like other states has real energy problems and the energy waste treating symptoms is in the billions of watts per hour while they superheat their atmosphere. The world shares one atmosphere and heating it unnaturally changes the weather formula affecting the whole world. The Texas Senate was shown how to address the energy shortages creating 100s of thousands of jobs while knocking the billions of watts per hour waste off the grid immediately. Buildings are an engineered product and codes warn of solar radiation interaction(EMFs) Here is 100 million dollars of development in Canada. It is designed for a MAXIMUM temperature of 95 deg. F. It is 85 deg. F being reported at the weather station yet solar EMFs have caused the highly absorbent exteriors to generate heat as warm as 198 deg. F. Smart Meters are supposed to stop this and it is a waste doing nothing. This isn't an opinion, this is Building Code where compliance is required for mortgages, insurance and occupancy. 100% of these buildings are non compliant. This was shared with Canada's Governments over 10 years ago because it just couldn't be seen before. Prime Minister Harper didn't pass it on to the UN whose members have committed a reported 700,000,000,000 dollars to address it. FYI imaging was done in 7 provinces and 26 states including Illinois. FortisBC applied for smart meters to save energy, this is their area and this development alone is wasting millions of watts per hour responding to the symptoms of solar EMF interaction. Air conditioning is in fact refrigeration with each building using 1000s of watts/per hour.

Dianne Knight: Curtis Bennett, Could you please elaborate on all the complexities of how Building Code dominoes into Human Health when buildings are non compliant, thereby generating needless emissions?
26 September 2015 at 12:29 Eastern Time

Curtis Bennett: Dianne Knight, 100% of everything we do on the planet has a domino effect into ecosystems and our bodies including the bodies of pregnant moms. We want Forest Fires out quicker because the smoke kills millions every year. When it comes to buildings and their energy use, think of a portable gas generator people may take camping or use for emergencies. The generators will handle so many watts and that is it so if the neighbors want to plug in you say no because there isn't enough power. Coal is considered cheaper than other resources to use so imagine someone shovelling coal into a furnace to produce electricity. Coal is dirty, doesn't burn clean and the emissions from the exhaust go into the air as well as ecosystems. Air conditioners use 1000s of watts per hour per building. Use 3000 watts as an example; it means you have 30-100 watt light bulbs on every hour. Think of the emissions and wasted coal to generate billions of watts. Dr. Ronald Lynch specializes in Environmental Medicine, toxicity, EMFs and molecular medicine. He is also a Professor lecturing accredited medical education. When he dealt with the Body Burden Study on polluted newborns, an Oncologist told him children don't get cancer at 10 years old, they have had it for 10 years and 9 months. The Body Burden Study by the Environmental Working Group was on 10 randomly picked umbilical cords. The cord was thought to be a shield between the mom and the fetus. The Red Cross collected the blood and in the tests 100% of the babies were loaded with chemicals before they took their first breath. They had Mercury, Fire Retardants, Banned Pesticides, Fossil Fuel Emissions, Scotch-guards, plastics and over 200 chemicals. Topping that off moms didn't work in an industrial environment. Dr. Lynch also does a Thermography Practicum with me in medical education for education credits, showing associated inflammations, early detection of Breast Cancers, etc. What we do not recycle will recycle through us and Dr. Lynch shows shocking pictures of soldiers with breasts removed, That is the reason all sciences and all professionals work together to be sustainable.

CPS Energy admits to overcharging customers
with smart meters
CPS Energy admits to overcharging customers who recently have had smart meters installed, and the energy company couldn't rule it if hundreds, possibly thousands more customers are also affected.
Author: MaryAnn Martinez,
Published: 9:10 a.m. CDT September 22, 2015
Updated: 9:10 AM CDT September 22, 2015
Angry customers packed a library meeting room Monday and let CPS have it.
"Ma'am, everyone in here is here for the same reason, you all over-estimated our bills," said Don Jones. "We want to pay for what we
used only. That's it."
"That's called fraud," yelled another man.
"Yes, it is," said Jones. "The Texas Rangers should be called in on this."
Most of the residents at the CPS meeting live in the Dell View area. Some said they paid twice, if not four times more what they would have normally paid this time of year.
When they met with CPS, it was hard to get a straight answer about the cause. Although CPS said it can't be exactly sure, the company said a nationally accepted practice of estimating bills based on past usage was to blame.
"There were some underestimations in July, and when the system made the corrections, that's what increased the August bill," said Maria Garcia, the vice president of community engagement at CPS.
The energy company also couldn't explain why some residents were not given the chance to opt out of smart meters. They can opt out now, but it will cost customers a replacement fee and $20 a month to have a real person read their meter.
It's a price some, like Grace Ramos, are willing to pay. "I would like to have the smart meter taken off of my property," said Ramos.
CPS said it is "researching" the problem and is willing to go back and look at customer bills and correct them.
"As we replaced the meter, there are pictures taken of the consumption and we can use that information to correct the bill of necessary," said Garcia.

Texas CPS Energy Admits Overcharging Customers w Smart Meters Arcing, surges, loose, corroded http://t.co/58N71seVyZ pic.twitter.com/aW5uTg9p5V
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) September 29, 2015

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