The Hell 5G Wireless Will Bring To Entire World
Meaning ALL Countries
Schkolnikov admitted under cross-examination that the RF EMFs of the 2 antennas in the meter will oscillate 1.8 billion times per second and the Wi-Fi 4.9 billion times per second. That means these EMFs going through your blood, body and bones will cause unrealized hell including breaking bones, compromising the nervous, hormonal and immune systems at the same time.
~ Curtis Bennett

By Curtis Bennett

June 16, 2017
Post On The Hell 5G Wireless Will Bring To Entire World Meaning ALL Countries
Facebook Post About 5G wireless from Memphis Tennessee, June 16, 2017ALERT: 5 G and 5 G Radiation is coming to your block with a Mini Cell Tower. (These “Mini” size towers can be a Big as a Refrigerator & are planned for every 2-10 homes….another large source of Radiation like MLGW Smart Meters )
I tagged a few people here and those people need to share this with others including your Memphis City Council, the utility’s commission, State, Congress, Senators, insurers, lawyers, realtors, academia, universities, education, construction industries, schools, unions, Memphis Building Inspection Department, Police, Fire, Military, IBEW, Attorney Generals, Auditor Generals and literally everyone.
It is important for all reading this post to expand on this in your capacities because these RF EMFs as applied will not discriminate who they kill or create horrific adverse health effects.
THIS IS NOT A DEBATE, there are real reasons we wire the world. EMFs are deadly, they are an invisible electromotive force and these highly penetrating RF EMFs will undermine every government, country, economy, security, health, global food sources, etc. The domino effect will be end of life killing 100s of millions(billions) with trillions in damages.
There is NOT going to be health insurance whether Obamacare, Trumpcare or under any other name. For the “professionals” and criminals allowing this, you will pay with your assets. What pack of collective fools kill their own families, friends, neighbors, communities for a technology that was unleashed without the science supporting safety. They undermined Building Codes, Electrical Codes and all codes and standards using a plastic body part as the science showing there is no harms. Academia and all sciences have changed meaning Degrees are no longer applicable. Medical diagnosis has changed but the plastic head people say it isn’t so.
In provincial government hearings(same as a state) with the experts under oath, I was a Registered Intervener in FortisBC’s application for wireless smart meters. The British Columbia Utilities Commission(BCUC) which is the same as a state Public Utilities Commission held the hearings and FortisBC retained Exponent Inc from the United States to provide their Risk Assessment Report
Electrical Engineer from Exponent Inc, Yakov Schkolnikov confirmed under direct cross-examination by me that Health Canada, FCC and IEEE all used the same exposure codes. That means this comment is applicable globally.
Schkolnikov admitted under cross-examination that the RF EMFs of the 2 antennas in the meter will oscillate 1.8 billion times per second and the Wi-Fi 4.9 billion times per second. That means these EMFs going through your blood, body and bones will cause unrealized hell including breaking bones, compromising the nervous, hormonal and immune systems at the same time. Schkolnikov confirmed under oath that when you mix 2 frequencies, you get 4 resultant frequencies. That confirms changing frequencies in your body, brain and all-encompassing.
“Dr.” William Bailey of Exponent Inc admitted under cross-examination by me that their Risk Assessment Report left out 100% of the bio-electrical information associated with humans. Bailey was asked under cross-examination about pollinators(responsible for food) being affected by the EMFs and he said they adapt which is ridiculous. Bailey also stated that wasn’t in Exponent’s Risk Assessment Report.
Causation and Biological Plausibility or the mechanisms linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was admitted to be missing in Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 which meant it was missing for the FCC and IEEE as well. When critical science is missing, that science should be qualified before moving forward with blanket Electromagnetic Radiation.
In BC Government transcripts with “experts” under oath, Exponent Inc’s Yakov Schkolnikov confirmed causation and the mechanisms linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects. In the same hearings of the BCUC, Dr. William Bailey substantiated Biological Plausibility with all bio-electrical information left out of their report for FortisBC’s application for wireless smart meters.
Causation and the mechanisms of interaction linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects is the EMFs that Schkolnikov confirmed. The missing mechanism of action is the RF EMFs hitting atoms, molecules, biology, buildings, infrastructure, ecosystems, pollinators, atmosphere and anything the EMFs hit.
I am a First Response Consultant with a 38 year background of proven performance. I am not a lobbyist, I am one of the Government’s recognized expert specific the utilization of 100% of the electricity produced with those associated emissions. That includes consulting for oil, gas, mines, mills, manufacturing, municipalities, Provincial Governments, Canadian Government, State PUC, medicine, Fire, military, etc. I don’t use a cape, I am a member of teams to get the job done.
The City of Memphis meaning council and mayor better understand the real ramifications of what Mr. Collins has done in his capacity as the President of the utility and as a Professional Engineer. There is no margin of error and if Collins wants to address this, he has to technically disqualify me which will NEVER happen. The idea that Collins got technically overwhelmed by a plastic head with gel or liquid in it is something he can answer but we have no plastic heads in any engineering program I have ever taken. The City of Memphis Building Inspection Department will confirm the code rule on vibration and that the Specific Absorption Rate or the plastic head isn’t in Building Code.
City Council, the mayor, utility and citizens need to understand they will be sued for assets because this isn’t insurable. That is separate of their criminal liability because there are ZERO circumstances where anyone can put babies, pregnant women and all inside a microwave oven made by the utility.
The purpose of exposure codes is specific in that it is to protect the public, that simple. That is why the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications state that new and existing antennas(towers) must comply with Safety Code 6 as a requirement for license. That means the antennas are illegal and there can be dozens of antennas on one tower. Go to Page 10 of this link to see highlighted areas.
Police need to arrest and prosecute these criminals. Just because you don’t technically understand the crime yet, it can be qualified easily. Once again this needs to be taken seriously because police homes will burn with the illegal meter installation, police, family and their brothers and sisters in uniform will suffer adverse health effects including death. Pacemakers will trigger when this could be stopped now.

@CheriDiNovo Be voice of people. All harmed or burned alive by Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation. Enforce Error or Omission Safety Code 6.
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) June 19, 2017
'Post On The Hell 5G Wireless Will Bring To Entire World Meaning ALL Countries', Prof Curtis Bennett @RealThermoguy
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) June 19, 2017

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