Here is What a Dutch Telecom Worker Wears For Protection
From Microwaves

Here is What a Dutch Telecom Worker Wears For Protection From Microwaves
Exclusive Quotation

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words. How are Babies or Elderly Safe?
That is the reality of that radiation and the EMFs are deadly. 

~ Curtis Bennett
July 7, 2024


By Curtis Bennett


September 27, 2019

This is a picture of what a Dutch Telecom worker wears for protection from microwave EMFs used for wireless communications. The explanation that distance from the EMFs makes you safe is not the truth. These EMFs compromise the nervous, hormonal and immune systems at the same time.

These EMFs induce electrical current, that increases voltages in the body where millionths of 1 volt increase cause health effects. These EMFs change frequencies in your body and brain causing unrealized health effects including contributing to violence.

These EMFs go through you and can cause brain trauma, break bones and vibrate you billions of times per second. Imagine shaking a baby or child billions of times a second.

The entire science used for safety and to bypass all jurisdictions, codes, standards as well as medicine is a plastic head or body part.

Here is What a Dutch Telecom Worker Wears For Protection From Microwaves
This suit protects telecom worker from microwave EMFs; there is nothing protecting you, buildings, infrastructure, forests, ecosystems or atmosphere.

Copyright © 2024 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.

Former Professor Curtis Bennett

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