Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is causing a potential Unprecedented Health, Environmental and National Security Emergency

cc: Nathaniel.Erskine-Smith@parl.gc.ca, Arif.Virani@parl.gc.ca, Dzerowicz@parl.gc.ca,
Dianne Knight
date: 1 Aug 2018, 01:46
Ethics Advisor, Office of Audit and Ethics
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission / Government of Canada
Nouhad.Hammad@canada.ca / Tel: 613-947-0915
Re: Director Joe Anton, Office of Audit and Ethics Negligent & Extremely Dangerous Response to Dianne Knight's Complaint
Dear Nouhad Hammad,
first want to apologize to Dianne Knight for what may seem like a delay
in responding and for this negligent response from the CNSC Office of
Audit and Ethics. There are over 440 nuclear power plants globally and
wireless EMF interaction has to be addressed globally because of the
disaster it will be. The domino effect and trade offs using wireless
smart meters include building failure and nuclear failure with high
speed structural vibration billions of times per second. Microwaving the
atmosphere for ease of communication changes the weather formula
globally causing climate change. That includes more severe weather and
fires conflicting with climate change objectives.
As a Registered
Intervener in the FortisBC application to the BC Utilities Commission
for wireless smart meters, I cross examined FortisBC experts under oath.
My submission to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission includes those
BC Government transcripts with those experts under oath. FortisBC expert
Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov confirmed the high speed oscillations(vibrations)
in my cross examination. The BC Government is the provincial authority
having jurisdiction for BC.
Buildings and infrastructure are
designed and constructed for their loading. Highly penetrating RF EMFs
interacting with structural, fire separations and building materials
will cause buildings to be non compliant with Building Code.
are dealing with other jurisdictions specific to nuclear failure within
borders. This isn't a debate or to simply be dismissed by the CNSC. It
is embarrassing to read a 2 paragraph response and case closed without
one document? Please forward the names, credentials and reporting of the
professionals the Office of Audit and Ethics used in this investigation
including Joe Anton's as well as Nouhad Hammad's technical
Please forward the documents and credentials
from the City of Toronto's Building Inspection Department where
professional engineers would address the Building Code Rule
pertaining to vibration for the CNSC. The hearings for Darlington were
about code compliance and the CNSC can not be dismissive of my qualified
credentials; I have to be technically disqualified. Here is Joe Anton's
entire response to a potential nuclear failure within Canadian borders
that can be qualified. PDF file of exchange between Dianne Knight and CNSC (attached), Bennett's response to CNSC's response to Dianne Knight in blue font.
Editor's Note
Original letter sent by Dianne Knight via email is below, rather than as an attached PDF.
Dear Ms. Knight,
Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the potential of electromagnetic fields causing corrosion to Canada’s power plants and your trust in Professor Curtis Bennett's qualifications. Dianne Knight contacted me specific to my nationally recognized electrical credential provided by the Governments of BC, Canada and Industry Canada. That is for the UTILIZATION of ALL electricity across the country. Do people and industries utilize the electricity Darlington produces? I am one of the CNSC's recognized experts and we don't use language like "trust" speaking of electricity or engineering.
My other credential as a Building Construction Engineering Technologist is all aspects of construction from contracts to completion. That includes a common background with Civil Engineers in building design, construction and energy performance.
The RF EMF mechanism of interaction with Darlington and other buildings or infrastructure is the highly penetrating EMFs interacting with the atoms and molecules of the structural/fire/other components. The mechanism of interaction requires a qualified electrical interpretation first. That mechanism substantiates the RF EMFs have compromised buildings, infrastructure, water dams, nuclear power plants, ecosystems and blanket radiation of jurisdictions.
Please find below excerpts from the 2015 Darlington record of decision which shows that the Commission had already addressed this matter and had taken into consideration all the evidence presented, including the concerns raised by Professor Bennett at the public hearing on the 2015 renewal of the Darlington facility.
In addition, we have consulted with CNSC officers who reviewed your concerns and still support the Commission’s decision. Please provide the names and applicable qualifications of the CNSC officers and all the reporting associated with their review. Please have the CNSC officers submit the reporting of the City of Toronto Building Inspection Department and the signed documents of engineers technically substantiating the CNSC decision to ignore Building Code Rule Ontario's smart meter program superseded and undermined municipal jurisdiction when it isn't applicable. Page 13 of the following link shows oscillations and non compliance with Building Code. That report was completed for the utility, lumber industry and their insurers. It demonstrates extremely low frequencies EMFs of 60 Hz can create catastrophic problems.
81. Mr. C. Bennett, in his intervention, expressed concerns regarding hazards of potential damage caused by “strong penetrating electromagnetic fields.” The Commission asked for submissions on whether there was cause for concern regarding the building code being inadequate or regarding the Darlington NGS’s compliance with such risk. CNSC staff responded that the plant had been built to satisfy building codes with respect to electromagnetic fields. CNSC staff added that a screening of various aspects of electromagnetic interference and associated potential hazards had been completed, and that, if there were disruptions to the electromagnetic environment of the plant, the main safety systems, which are failsafe on loss of any kind of connectivity, would put the plant into a safe state. The OPG representative confirmed that the existing safety systems would safely shut down the plant, and added that mechanical systems would not be affected by such interference. Non compliance with Building Code isn't a "concern"; it is an electrical reality with RF EMF interaction with buildings including nuclear power plants.
The Commission asked for submissions on whether there was a concern regarding the Building Code being inadequate or regarding Darlington's compliance with such risk? Please forward the scope of the submissions asked for by CNSC, the companies and professionals involved with their credentials.
Darlington may have been compliant with Building Codes when originally constructed. What year was Darlington built and what year were smart meters mass installed in Ontario? The illegal mass installation of smart meters in Ontario undermined all jurisdictions with a very dangerous technology as applied. Neither Darlington nor other exposed buildings will be compliant with Building Codes.
87. On the basis of the information presented, the Commission concludes that the systematic evaluation of the potential hazards and the preparedness for reducing the effects of such hazards is adequate for the operation of the facility and the activities under the proposed licence. The Commission is satisfied that OPG, in its development and modification of the PSA, evaluation of potential hazards and management of safety issues is compliant with regulatory requirements. Given the above, we consider this case closed.
Joe Anton 7/9/2018
Director, Office of Audit and Ethics
Regarding 87, please outline the systematic evaluation used for potential vibration of Darlington and the professionals used with their credentials. The Commission and OPG do NOT have jurisdictional authority regarding Building Code, City of Toronto does and that authority has to investigate the code violations before any case is closed.
Sustainable Development under the Auditor General Act is simple and straight forward and nuclear failure within borders isn't definable as sustainable. This response from the CNSC's Director Joe Anton is dismissive and negligent but will be represented as presented with the additional questions to be answered from this correspondence. I would advise in my qualified capacity to govern yourselves accordingly because of the liability including criminal.
Ontario's new Premier Rob Ford is not aware the previous Liberal Government undermined their own constituents with the mass illegal installation of 4.8 million meters. Ford hasn't been informed of the 100s of billions in real liabilities and no insurance.
I look forward to an immediate response; the real damage is measurable by the second and the peer reviewed science supporting that is electricity. The RF EMFs will oscillate(vibrate) billions of times per measurable second 86,400 times in 24 hours.
For all the work Joe Anton, CNSC officers and others did, I didn't receive one call from the CNSC, officers or engineers for clarification. This is a provincial and national emergency that can be qualified without margin of error.
Professor Curtis Bennett
Chief, International Science Advisory Board for IHF(14,000 members)
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 38 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Engineering Technologist
Ph: 604-239-2694
Copyright © 2018 Thermoguy. All rights reserved.
to: cnsc.iddi.ccsn@canada.ca
cc: curtis@thermoguy.com
date: 8 Jun 2018, 14:55 pm Eastern Time
subject: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is causing a potential Unprecedented Health, Environmental and National Security Emergency
Joe Anton, Director
Office of Audit and Ethics
External complaints
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
280 Slater Street, P.O. Box 1046, Station B
Ottawa, ON K1P 5S9
Tel: 613-947-8220
Email: cnsc.iddi.ccsn@canada.ca
Subject: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is causing a potential Unprecedented Health, Environmental and National Security Emergency
Dear Joe Anton:
Documents proving that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is causing a potential Unprecedented Health, Environmental and National Security Emergency have been filed with you. The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is non-compliant with Canada’s Safety Code and Building Code Rules, as reported by Professor Curtis Bennett of Kelowna, B.C. Professor Curtis Bennett’s job includes always reporting to and through authorities having jurisdiction. Professor Curtis Bennett has not yet received a qualified response from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, with his most recent submission being over two and a half years ago, on October 21, 2015.
These are the submitted files:
1. April 5, 2011,
Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant Project Joint Review Panel Hearing,
Registered Intervener Dianne Knight along with Professor Curtis Bennett.
Files: PMD 11-P1.244 and PMD 11-P1.
18 ‘Have they considered EMFs
19 impacting the water or impacting the insides of the
20 facilities and somehow interacting with that
21 process? Because these EMFs are just causing a lot
22 of problems out there we just couldn't see before.’
2. Nov. 21, 2013, RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion of Power Plants, Buildings & Infrastructure,
3. Sept. 28, 2015, Submission For Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on
RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion Making the
Power Plants Non-Compliant With Building Codes,
Darlington NOT compliant with Building Code Rule Vibration,
CNSC Public Hearing Ref. 2015-H-04.
Building engineering has changed and each nuclear power plant would have to be an MRI chamber to stop the accelerated corrosion of the power plants caused by Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation Electromagnetic Fields(RF EMFs). This strategy is prohibitively expensive.
Professor Curtis Bennett’s credentials and expertise are specific to energy provision. He is one of the Canadian Government's certified energy professionals, recognized by governments across Canada, and he is not a lobbyist nor associated with special interests of any kind. 100% of his team’s work is specific to your mandate. Industry Canada has trained and certified one profession for the utilization of electrical energy across the country.
Professor Curtis Bennett consults for all industries, hospitals, universities, information technology, manufacturing, automotive, oilfields, utilities including power generation, development, mines, mills, etc. as well as their insurers. Qualified Electricians design, construct, install, troubleshoot and maintain those electrical systems.
When there is a power failure, Electricians are the sole qualified professionals; Electrical Engineers are not qualified to do this work. It is Electricians that do the work related to those engineered standards. Electricians are governed by the Canadian Electrical Code and calculate energy requirements with that code. There are no circumstances where they have personal opinions and get creative electrically. The Canadian Electrical Code is published by the Canadian Standards Association(CSA). CSA is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, a crown corporation which promotes efficient and effective standardization in Canada. This accreditation verifies that CSA is competent to carry out standards development and certification functions and is based on internationally recognized criteria and procedures.
As well licensed as an Interprovincial Red Seal Journeyman Electrician, Professor Curtis Bennett has another credential as a Building Construction Engineering Technologist, from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton, Alberta, (NAIT). His work includes all aspects of construction, from contracts to completion. That education has a common background, taught together with all engineering disciplines before choosing a field to specialize in. Buildings use and lose energy as it relates to building performance.
As a Thermal Radiation Consultant of currently over 39 years for industries across the board, Professor Curtis Bennett’s consulting team saved 100s of billions of dollars, providing a visual of energy(temperature) to isolate problems before explosions or failure. Then the problems are verified and fixed by the industry's professionals.
The Government of Canada has used Professor Curtis Bennett’s work as their standard in Request For Proposal(RFP) for Aerial Imaging of Groundwater.
Canada's Defense Minister cleared Professor Curtis Bennett’s team on a consultation where Canada had a vulnerability to a terrorism threat that the whole world was blind to after 9/11.
Professor Curtis Bennett’s consulting team, led by government and industry certified Electrical professionals as well as medical education associates, found and reported cause and biological plausibility that had been missing in human RF EMF exposure codes. Then, according to professional standards, cause and biological plausibility that had been missing was reported to Health Canada on September 14, 2010 and next by expert witness at the request of Canadian Parliaments Standing Committee on Health on October 26, 2010. Then it was lectured in accredited medical education on January 7 & 8, 2011 at the University of Central Florida under the auspice of the Integrative Health Forum (IHFGlobal).
Temperature starts at -273 deg. C and there are no such things as Non Thermal effects; it is all thermal. Energy use, losses and temperature can be seen. Professor Curtis Bennett’s client list includes Syncrude Canada Ltd., Suncor Energy, Esso and Dow Chemical. As well, Petro Canada retained Professor Curtis Bennett’s consulting team to monitor one refractory lined vessel for a year so they could maximize production before shutting the vessel down for required maintenance.
100% of what we as humans do on the planet, has a domino effect into all creatures’ health, our human bodies and ecosystems. As an Adjunct Professor, Curtis Bennett is the Chief of the International Science Advisory Board for the Integrative Health Forum (IHF) with 14,000 members and their teaching faculty member for this group of licensed health professionals. The IHF offers the most advanced education in the world, accredited medical education programs applicable to millions of health professionals for Continuing Medical Education(CME) credits required for ongoing medical licensing. They are the only education program in the world giving accurate sight of energy at the atomic and molecular level. Simply put, it provides sight of temperature where otherwise medicine and other professionals are blind. This Energy Medicine Program is applicable across Canada as well as the United States and expanding.
Professor Curtis Bennett has submitted a document to the City of Kelowna, governed by their elected Council, regarding an article in the Kelowna Daily Courier on their electricity utility, FortisBC Inc. as the utility representing the safety of smart meters. It contains transcripts and evidence of the B.C. Government with experts under oath, where they admit they consulted no one.
Page 9, 10 and 11 contain pictures of a meter base, the connections and as well, thermal images of connection problems.
Page 12 shows in the infrared spectrum how extremely low EMFs of 60 Hz can create catastrophic electrical problems.
900 MHz RF EMFs from sources including the cell phone and smart meter transmissions will oscillate or expand and contract inside nuclear facilities’ walls and fire separations, at twice the speed of the frequency, 1.8 billion times per second and Wi-Fi 4.9 billion times per second.
We are a land of laws, codes and standards but in the case of smart meters being mass deployed, governments, industries, engineers, electricians, insurers, academia, medical professionals, municipalities, Fire Departments, Police Departments, etc. were not informed or consulted in any capacity.
Page 13 shows how the interaction of RF EMFs interacting with buildings and fire separations is causing Canadian buildings to be non-compliant with Building Code Rule Buildings are designed for their loading which includes vibrations.
A human exposure code for wireless Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation Electromagnetic Fields(RF EMFs) has been used to bypass authority, including Building Codes, when it isn’t applicable. The link above provides a picture of the Specific Absorption Rate Test used to substantiate safety and bypassing Building Code. It is a plastic head with water in it and is baseless science. The science the wireless industry and governments were using is based on a cup of water in a microwave oven, except the test model is shaped like a human head instead of a cup. The Sam Phantom Model Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid has zero applicability to Building Code and all municipalities as well as Regional Districts have been undermined.
There are fires and electrical failure waiting to happen inside nuclear power plants, separate of causing accelerated corrosion of buildings, fire separations and infrastructure. Professor Curtis Bennett has proven that the Canadian nuclear industry must be shut down and there is no margin of error.
Professor Curtis Bennett states that under no circumstances are you to dismiss this letter and being politically and administratively dismissive will result in liability as well as criminal charges for recklessly endangering the public. The damage from Radio Frequency Microwave Radiation Electromagnetic Fields(RF EMFs) is measurable by the second and the peer reviewed science opposing the Specific Absorption Rate test model plastic head is electricity, engineering, biology and all sciences.
Everything in existence is atoms and molecules which means electrical.
Professor Curtis expects you to contact him immediately, directly at:
Web site: www.thermoguy.com
Email: curtis@thermoguy.com
Phone: 604-239-2694.
Dianne Knight, B.A.
Registered Intervener
CNSC Related
Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett

'...over 440 nuclear power plants & wireless EMF interaction addressed globally b/c disaster will be. Domino effect & trade offs wireless smart meters include building failure & nuclear failure w/ high speed structural vibration billions of times per sec.' https://t.co/0nCSGqHTLs pic.twitter.com/bOsVdoP1Fn
— Dianne Knight (@DianneKnight) August 1, 2018

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